Skills Insight is a not-for-profit, government funded, industry-led organisation and one of ten Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs).
We work with stakeholders who share a passion for improving skills and training across the agribusiness, fibre, furnishing, food, animal and environment care industries.
We support the voice of industry in the Australian skills and VET systems.
About Us
Learn about our role as a Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) for the agribusiness, fibre, furnishing, food, animal and environment care industries.
Processes for Working on Potential Solutions
Discover how we collaborate with stakeholders about skill challenges, through to developing potential solutions, and monitoring their outcomes.
How to Be Involved
Explore the different ways stakeholders can engage with our JSC work.
Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026
The Strategic Plan outlines Skills Insight’s vision, goals, and objectives for effectively delivering JSC Program outcomes. Our strategic priorities and activities are continuously shaped by ongoing stakeholder engagement. Reviewed annually, the Strategic Plan is closely aligned with our Workforce Plan, which details current, emerging and future workforce challenges and opportunities, including skills gaps and shortages.

Year In Review 2023-2024
This report outlines Skills Insight’s journey to establish itself as one of ten new Jobs and Skills Councils supporting industry and government decision-making to improve skills and training across some of Australia’s essential industries. It includes details on industry stewardship, workforce planning, projects and activities, government and JSA activities, and much more.
People have access to quality training and valued careers that support the evolving skill needs of Australian Industry.
Skills Insight, through research and collaboration, provides powerful insights on Australia’s skills system to benefit industry, learners and their career development, and support the skills ecosystem responsiveness to current and emerging workforce challenges and opportunities.
We will work with you in a way that is open, transparent, trustworthy, collaborative and respectful.
We will always consider ways to be adaptable, flexible, inquisitive, dedicated, conscientious and accountable.
Skills Insight was created by Skills Impact, with the support of a broad range of industry stakeholders. Skills Impact held a Skills Service Organisation contract with the Commonwealth Government from 2016-2022. A submission to move into the role of a Jobs and Skills Council, as Skills Insight, received over 200 letters of industry support as well as the support of Skills Impact’s Members, the National Farmers’ Federation and ForestWorks.
Built on the base of Skills Impact’s people and values, our drive to improve industry skills and training delivery is the same. Our scope has increased and we are excited to be able to empower industry and all stakeholders to have a say in all stages of the system, from the development of national skills standards, through to training delivery and assessment.