Purpose and Scope

Skills Insight recognises the need to ensure its procurement practices and use of resources achieve best practice principles including value for money, accountability, risk management and transparency. Skills Insight also recognises the importance of responsible sourcing and anti-slavery. This policy provides clear direction to the Board, CEO, management and employees of the organisation with regards to procurement and resource management and provides the framework for Skills Insight’s response to irresponsible behaviour.

We will actively engage in Closing the Gap initiatives and we will take steps to increase our purchasing from First Nations enterprises which may be in the form of engaging a First Nations enterprise as a subcontractor (subject to meeting Department of Employment and Workplace Relations policy on use of subcontractors), or use of First Nations enterprises in undertaking Jobs and Skills Council Grant Functions.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, service providers, and any other participant in the Skills Insight procurement and supply chains.

A number of Commonwealth and State laws, regulations, and contract and grant deed clauses may apply to the responsible sourcing and anti-slavery and the underlying governing principles. Compliance with these is a requirement for the implementation of this policy.

This policy has been established on the foundation of Skills Insight values, behaviours and strategies are the foundations for this policy and all actions must be consistent with them. Any conflict between this policy and the values, behaviours and strategies of Skills Insight should be brought to the attention of the CEO for resolution.

Policy Statement

Skills Insight acknowledges the important role business plays in respecting and promoting human rights and eradicating modern slavery. We recognise that responsible sourcing of goods and services may assist achieve Australian policy goals. In addition, modern slavery is a growing and complex problem, best tackled by collective commitment and responsibility to bring it to an end and we are committed to working with stakeholders to fulfil this goal.

The principles governing Skills Insight’s procurement policies and practices, and use of resources are outlined in detail in this policy. These are:

  • Value for money
  • Efficient, effective, economical and ethical procurement and usage
  • Responsible procurement including from First Nations enterprises
  • Accountability and transparency in procurement and application of resources
  • Procurement and resource risk.

Value for money

When conducting a procurement, Skills Insight, must be satisfied that the procurement, and the use of the service or product (the resource) achieves a value for money outcome. Consideration should extend to:

  • the resource intensity in the application of the value for money principle in relation to the amount of expenditure
  • the quality of the goods and services
  • fitness for purpose
  • the potential supplier’s relevant experience and performance history
  • flexibility of the service or supply proposal
  • environmental sustainability of the proposed goods and services, including local supply if applicable
  • whole-of-life costs, and
  • responsible and efficient use of the purchased resources.

The above value for money assessment consideration requires the resources (usually staff time and effort) to research the current marketplace for any particular goods and services and to compare offers being made in that marketplace. The degree of resources spent on this activity must be commensurate with the size of the spend, the risk associated with the incorrect or out of specification supply of the goods/services and reliability and proven history of past suppliers. Some consideration can also be given to the impact of the research process in the market place.

Efficient, effective, economical and ethical procurement and usage

Skills Insight promotes the proper use and management of resources, that is:

  • Efficient: the achievement of maximum value for the resources used
  • Effective: relates to the extent to which intended outcomes are achieved, typically through the consideration of price, quality, useability and quantity
  • Economical: the minimisation of costs and the avoidance of waste
  • Ethical: relates to honesty, integrity, probity, diligence, fairness, consistency and the recognition of actual, perceived and potential conflicts of interest. This requires an approach of “fit for purpose” in both the procurement process and the procurement outcome.

Responsible procurement

Skills Insight will take all reasonable action to be:

  • compliant with local, national and other applicable laws and regulations in the areas in which the businesses operate.
  • source products and services in accordance with legal obligations and community expectations while working with suppliers to improve their social and environmental practices.
  • take steps to increase our purchasing from First Nations enterprises
  • act to prevent, mitigate and where appropriate, remedy modern slavery in our operations and supply chains.

Skills Insight will take reasonable steps to support the Australian Government’s policy directions relating to procurement of goods and services

Skills Insight will take reasonable steps to comply with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as outlined in the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework available at https://www.ohchr.org/documents/publications/guidingprinciplesbusinesshr_en.pdf

If the policy is breached, we will act as quickly as practicable to remedy our adverse impacts on workers, individuals or communities and we will engage directly with affected stakeholders.

Accountability and transparency in procurement and application of resources

Skills Insight is committed to ensuring accountability and transparency in its procurement and application of resources. Research, documentation and decision-making processes need to be commensurate with the scale, scope and risk of the procurement. The information gathered needs to be demonstrably accurate and include:

  • the requirement for the procurement
  • the process that was followed to meet the requirements of this policy
  • how value for money was considered and achieved
  • relevant approvals, and
  • relevant decisions and the basis for those decisions.

When conducting a procurement, appropriate steps should be taken to protect the confidential information that may belong to both Skills Insight and the supplier.

Procurement and resource risk

Risk management comprises the activities and actions undertaken by Skills Insight to ensure it is mindful of the risks it faces, that it makes informed decisions in managing these risks, and identifies and harnesses potential opportunities. The effort directed to risk assessment and management should be commensurate with the scale, scope and risk of the procurement, particularly in relation to value for money assessments, proposals to spend money and the terms of contract of supply. New suppliers without a past history of service to Skills Insight present a higher risk than existing proven suppliers and this risk is part of the value for money equation.

Implementing the Policy

Responsible Sourcing

In determining ethical procurement, Skills Insight will consider:

  • the relationship of the services to the industries we support, and whether the purchase can advance the interest of industry participants and advance the interests of First Nations enterprises
  • the availability of the Australian goods and services and the level of Australian involvement in the production of goods and services
  • the social impact of potential procurement and use of the procured resource, including environmental, social and political implications
  • the involvement of people living in regional, rural and remote Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and vulnerable or disadvantaged people in the production of goods and services.

Skills Insight will use reasonable endeavours to increase its purchasing from Indigenous Enterprises and employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Modern Slavery

Skills Insight will comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

Skills Insight is not a reporting entity for the purposes of Australian legislation and has a low risk of working with suppliers engaged in modern slavery given the nature of its procurement and supply chains. Skills Insight will not be a voluntary reporting entity under the legislation.

Skills Insight will report any activities that appear to be connected to modern slavery to appropriate authorities, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of such activities. Skills Insight will support the work of relevant authorities investigating and addressing modern slavery and provide information on request.

Skills Insight will include clauses in procurement contracts, where applicable, requiring suppliers to take reasonable steps to identify, assess and address risks of Modern Slavery practices in their operations and supply chains used in the provision of the Goods and/or Services.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement

  • Skills Insight will use reasonable endeavours to increase its purchasing from First Nations enterprises and employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
  • Skills Insight will work with Supply Nation or other equivalent organisations to identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander enterprises, consultants and individuals who may be able to meet supply needs.

Prohibited Dealings

Commonwealth and State laws apply to the Prohibition of Dealings with identified organisations, and support for activities that contravene laws relating to terrorism and similar serious illegal activities whether in Australia or internationally. Compliance with these is a requirement for the implementation of this policy.

  • Skills Insight operates in compliance with all Australian laws and does not tolerate illegal behaviour.
  • Skills Insight will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all individuals or entities involved in carrying out the Activity:
  • are not directly or indirectly engaged in preparing, planning, assisting in or the doing of a terrorist act
  • are not, and do not become a Listed Terrorist Organisation
  • are not, and do not become listed on the Consolidated List
  • are not, and to do not become listed on the World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals
  • are not owned or controlled by any individual or entity mentioned in the lists referred to above, and
  • do not provide direct or indirect support, resources or assets (including any Commonwealth funding) to any individual or entity associated with terrorism or mentioned in the lists referred to above.
  • Skills Insight will immediately report any suspected contravention of this policy to relevant authorities and as required under any agreements with governments.

Relationship to Other Policies

This policy is to be read in conjunction with other relevant policies, including:

  • Corporate Governance manual
  • Skills Insight Procurement Form
  • Delegations Policy