As a JSC, Skills Insight is responsible for engaging with a wide range of stakeholders to support strategic industry leadership and undertake activities to address skills and workforce challenges.

Skills Insight performs the following functions to fulfil its role as a JSC. We do this in a holistic manner, recognising the interdependences across them:

  • Workforce planning
    Is the strategic centrepiece for JSCs and establishes essential context for each of the other functions. Workforce planning identifies, forecasts and responds to the current, emerging and future workforce challenges and opportunities, including industry skills needs.
  • Training product development
    To develop responsive and flexible training products informed by comprehensive workforce analysis. This includes piloting emerging products and testing new approaches to meet registered training organisation (RTO), employer and learners’ needs.
  • Implementation, promotion and monitoring
    So that training delivery and assessment meets RTO, employer and learner needs, career pathways are mapped and promoted, and the impact of training is monitored to drive continuous improvement.
  • Industry stewardship
    To provide strategic advice on skills and workforce needs and the effectiveness of VET system policies and standards.

National Skills and Workforce Challenges

A key function of our JSC responsibilities is to work with stakeholders to identify, forecast and respond to current and emerging skills needs and workforce challenges. We are able to research any solution to address industry and stakeholder concerns including, where required, providing opportunities to consider innovative approaches to addressing long standing skills issues.  Some solutions may require updates to the national qualifications and skills standards within national training packages, however many will point to other areas of work and investigation.

In the first year of operation, Skills Insight will focus on building relationships with relevant stakeholders, including industry leaders and experts across the country. Workforce planning will also be an essential part of the first year of the organisation to help understand current, emerging and future workforce challenges and opportunities, and develop appropriate strategies and advice to address these challenges. It is expected that training product development will only occur in this first year, where it is deemed responsive to national priorities by the department.

Collaboration is the cornerstone of Skills Insight’s approach

Together with industry, RTOs, unions and other JSCs we provide strategic leadership, aligning efforts across industries to improve system responsiveness, build stakeholder confidence and suggest improvements to lead high-quality outcomes for the VET sector, learners and business.

Our work is guided by a comprehensive arrangement of stakeholder networks, to allow industry and all stakeholders to provide direction, advice and feedback at every level and across all sectors and areas of expertise. We also work in close partnership with Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to create a uniform understanding of the skills landscape and how skill gaps can be addressed.

Collaborating With Other JSCs

An holistic approach to nation-wide skills and training needs

Working with other JSCs is an integral part of Skills Insight’s role as a JSC. A key mechanism for this is the JSC CEO Network Forum, a regular meeting of the JSC CEOs to discuss common priorities and opportunities for collaboration.

Please visit Jobs and Skills Council Program Updates to view the JSC CEO Network Forum Communiques and subscribe to the DEWR JSC Newsletter.