Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) are a national network of industry owned and led organisations, designed to provide leadership in addressing national skills and training needs. They are being established to supply industry with a strong and strategic voice within the VET sector as part of broader government-led skills reform

JSCs have scope to deliver solutions to skills and workforce challenges through four key functions:

  • workforce planning
  • training product development
  • implementation, promotion and monitoring
  • industry stewardship.

In performing these functions JSCs will undertake projects to identify skills and workforce needs, map career pathways, support collaboration between industry and training providers, and act as a source of intelligence on issues affecting their industries. 

JSCs will collaborate with industry, unions and stakeholders across the VET system to provide a holistic picture of the skills landscape and potential solutions. Collaboration with each other will be an important element of this approach, so that skills and training priorities can be approached from an economy wide perspective. Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) will also play a key role in the JSC’s work, providing workforce analysis and projections that JSCs will use to inform their industry planning.

Informed by their networks, JSCs will work towards improved outcomes for the VET sector, learners, and business, in turn building greater confidence in the system and better quality of life for the nation as a whole. 

See the Department of Employment and Workforce Relations website for more information on the new Jobs and Skills Councils