Andrew Horgan

Stakeholder Engagement Manager Andrew is a skilled industry engagement manager who combines a sound knowledge of agriculture with extensive experience within the VET system. He is equally at ease talking with farmers in a paddock, engaging with education providers to promote flexibility in the delivery of training packages, and presenting at industry or VET conferences….

Tessa Spriggens

Executive Manager Communications Tessa is an experienced communications professional with a background in communications strategy, copywriting, public relations, media relations, and digital marketing. At Skills Insight, she is responsible for leading internal and external communications, while also serving as a key member of the Skills Insight Executive Committee. Working closely with the CEO and Executive,…

Dr Niall Smith

Executive Manager Research and Workforce Planning Niall has extensive experience in academic, not-for-profit, and local government research, as well as in registered training organisation (RTO) process and data management. He specialises in designing and delivering projects that meet the needs of a range of stakeholders and strategic objectives.Niall will support Skill Insight’s evidence-based decision-making by…

Kerryn Ingham

Executive Manager Operations Support Kerryn is a skilled operations manager providing leadership to Skills Insight’s administrative and IT services, promoting team building and collaboration while delivering innovations and quality customer systems. As well as leading the IT and administration, Kerryn is also a member of the Skills Insight leadership committee. Kerryn has a diverse background…

Donna Patriarca

Governance and Executive Services Donna has more than 20 years’ experience working in not-for-profit and community settings in youth, education, and disability sectors. She has a wide range of expertise spanning administration, operations, finance, events, and compliance management. Donna works closely with the CEO and provides high-level support to the board of directors and the…

Danni McDonald

Executive Manager Skill Standards & Qualification Reform Danni is an accomplished industry skills standards portfolio manager and team leader. While managing the training package team, she has delivered and provided leadership to multiple projects for the FBP Food, Beverage & Pharmaceutical, and ACM Animal Care and Management Training Packages. Danni is a strategic leader who…

Geoff Barbaro

Executive Manager Industry Stewardship and Skills Policy Geoff is an experienced leader, strategist, communicator, and educator who has worked across multiple industries, including education, health, hospitality, community organisations, peak professional bodies, government, and law. He has led and been involved with major stakeholder engagements and consultations and has almost 20 years’ experience in post school…

Wayne Jones

Executive Officer JSC Contract Delivery Wayne is a highly experienced and dedicated professional with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in management and leadership. With a background of 24 years in the Royal Air Force (RAF), Wayne has honed his skills in managing projects and teams and training, leading individuals to success. Following Wayne’s service…

Michael Hartman

Chief Executive Officer Michael is an experienced chief executive officer, leader and strategic thinker who has served as CEO to several high-performance organisations associated with the national coordination of industry leadership in VET and skills. These include CEO roles in a National Industry Training Advisory Body, an Industry Skills Council, and a Skills Service Organisation….