The industries Skills Insight works with are crucial to Australia’s communities, ecosystems and prosperity. They play a crucial role in food security and in solutions for climate change. Using a broad range of hands-on skills, these industries care for plants and animals, and maintain land and water bodies. They also produce raw materials used for essential items such as housing, clothing, and hygiene products.

When the skills of these industries are supported, everyone in Australia benefits.

  • Animal care and management
  • Aquaculture and wild catch
  • Broadacre cropping
  • Ecosystem management, conservation, landscaping and gardening
  • Forest management and harvesting
  • Furnishing and other manufacturing
  • Horticulture
  • Livestock farming
  • Meat, poultry and seafood processing
  • Pulp, paper, packaging and hygiene products
  • Racing and breeding
  • Textiles, clothing and footwear
  • Timber, wood processing and building solutions

While this workforce is made up of individuals with diverse expertise, the whole of the value chain shares similar priorities. They are committed to protecting Australia’s $6.5 trillion in environmental assets. Through skills in biosecurity, ecosystem management and animal health and welfare practices they sustain our flora and fauna, and farm production. Safety standards, quality assurance and regulatory compliance play a crucial role as well, supporting high quality, safe production and the good reputation of Australian agribusiness. There is strong investment in digital technology and automation to continue to improve productivity and safety across the value chain.

Industry Scope Map

Your participation in this system is key to delivering high-quality outcomes for the VET sector, learners, business and governments.

We understand that access to training can be challenging in in regional, rural and remote Australia, and are keen to explore solutions to improve access. We know that the people we work with are at the forefront of the impacts of floods, fires and climate change and that they also have a crucial role to play in mitigation and recovery, so we are flexible in how and when we seek your input. We are also aware that the industries we work with are engaged with land and water systems, which have been cared for and managed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for thousands of years and are committed to promoting and supporting their ongoing contributions in this space. 

Together with our partner organisations ForestWorks and MINTRAC, we are excited to work with industry to improve the Australian Vocational Education and Training system, so that you can get on with the work that keeps our environment and animals healthy; our dinner plates filled with fruit, vegetables and proteins; and our homes and clothing functional and enriching.