Manual Tree Felling Skills to be Supported by Two New Projects

Two new projects are underway to support skills development in manual tree felling with a chainsaw. They follow the 2023-24 Tree Felling Project, which reviewed and updated three units for manual tree felling.  Pathway to tree felling skills project  This project will investigate the need for learners to be equipped with appropriate safety skills before they…


Update: Qualification Reform Project

Australia’s VET qualification design will be transitioning to a new approach, as agreed to by Skills Ministers on 6 December 2024. The updated model is designed to improve quality, reduce complexity and provide opportunities for new and adaptable approaches to qualifications, representing a shift away from a one size fits all approach to qualification design. A revised…


Update: From Training Package to Training Delivery

Skills Insight has published a report aimed at supporting best practice and innovation in curriculum development.   Developed in collaboration with Griffith University, it comes after in depth research with registered training organisations (RTOs) about the ways they interpret and translate training packages into training programs. Research revealed the complexity faced by RTOs when creating or modifying a training course…


Three New Projects Approved 

Skills Insight has recently been approved to start projects focused on the below topics. Our team are currently working on initial scoping and planning work.   More information including how to get involved will be available soon. For now, please make sure your subscription preferences are up to date to receive updates about projects in industries relevant…

New Project to Review Veterinary Nursing Skills Needs 

Veterinary nursing practices are used to provide integral animal care and treatment across different species and contexts, requiring a broad range of skills. As part of a new project, Skills Insight will consult with the veterinary sector to understand their diverse workforce needs and how they can be better supported by nationally endorsed qualifications and other training…

Final Drafts Available for Feedback in Essential Meat Processing Skills

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project to revise qualifications, skill sets and units that support essential skills required for entrants into the meat processing industry.  Skills Insight working with MINTRAC have updated the documents based on stakeholder and Technical Committee feedback and the project is now in the Consensus Gathering stage. This is an opportunity…


Worker Safety Induction Pilot – Stage 2 Complete

This project is taking place to develop and pilot a safety induction program for the meat processing industry. It follows a proposal from the Agriculture Workforce Working Group (AWWG) in 2023. Thorough planning and consultation has taken place with key stakeholders and a vendor has been selected to develop the simulated learner component of the program….


Updated Training Support Materials for Meat Safety Available as Word Docs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project, industry now has access to updated versions of the training support materials used to deliver the Certificates III and IV in Meat Safety Inspection. The revised training materials are published on MINTRAC’s website and available to download for free in Microsoft Word format for ease of use.  The materials…


Upcoming Workshops for Essential Meat Processing Skills 

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project to revise some of the qualifications, skill sets and units that support essential skills required for entrants into the meat processing industry.  Two rounds of Broad Consultation have been held on the documents to collect stakeholder feedback on how to best capture these crucial skills.  The…


New Flock Safe Project Underway

AgriFutures identified enhancing biosecurity as one of the key priorities of the poultry industry in its 2022-2027 Chicken Meat Program Research Development and Extension Plan.   To support this goal, Skills Insight and MINTRAC are undertaking this project to deliver free workshops for chicken meat and egg producers around the country and online. Workshops will focus on the…

Projects Submitted to Assurance Body

👏🏻Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and expertise throughout the Shearing and Wool Classing, and the Livestock Operations projects. Through extensive stakeholder consultation, the qualifications, skill sets and units of competency have been reviewed to consider all feedback, so they align with the evolving skills needs of job roles and current technology and…

Share Your Feedback on Proposed Updates to the Certificate III in Rural Operations

Research has been undertaken to understand how the AHC21216 Certificate III in Rural Operations is used to prepare workers for various industries and whether it reflects the necessary skills. You are invited to provide feedback on the Research Summary and Product Development Proposal which outlines findings to date and recommendations for next steps. To provide feedback, visit the project page.


New VET Workforce Project Underway

The Skills Insight team are consulting with training providers and industry to explore the unique issues impacting the VET workforce in regional, rural and remote areas.  RTOs are crucial in supporting  industries to develop a skilled workforce that can safely and efficiently complete work. In order to continue doing this, training providers need their own workforce of experienced and…


New Projects Approved and Underway

Skills Insight has recently been approved to start a series of new projects focused on the below topics. Our team are currently working on initial scoping and planning work, including identifying key stakeholders to engage with in these projects.   More information including how to get involved will be available soon. For now, please make sure your…