Have Your Say on Worker Safety Induction Pilot

At their first meeting, the Agriculture Workforce Working Group (AWWG) proposed that investigations take place into a national safety induction program for agriculture and related industries.    The meat industry has been chosen to develop and pilot such a program, with consultation currently underway to explore potential models. You have the opportunity to participate in a consultation…

Draft Qualification and Units to Support Essential Skills

Entrants to Australia’s meat processing industry require essential skills to prepare quality meat products hygienically and safely. Currently there are three Certificate II level meat processing qualifications that support accredited training pathways for new entrants. These qualifications have been reviewed and revised through consultation with the project Technical Committee and subject matter experts to determine how…

AHC Improvements Project: Qualifications and Units Endorsed

Thank you to those who provided feedback on the placement of recently updated units within qualifications and skill sets across the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and ecosystem management training package. Trainers, learners and the broader industry will soon have access to updated qualifications and skill sets that contain units reflective of the latest technology, systems and…

Livestock Operations Project: Draft Qualifications and Units Available for Feedback

Consultation is underway to revise the Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and 70 units of competency that support the skills to work in the livestock industry. With a workforce of over 123,000 people, it is important that the skills standards for working with and alongside livestock are kept up to date, so they reflect the latest…

Shearing and Wool Classing Project: Draft Qualifications and Units Available for Feedback

The qualifications for shearers, wool handlers, and wool classers are undergoing a comprehensive review so that they align with the evolving skill needs of these job roles. A project Technical Committee and subject matter experts have been consulted to determine the content of the draft documents. The draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now available…

Training Support Materials for Meat Safety Update

The training support materials used to deliver the Certificates III and IV in Meat Safety Inspection are currently being reviewed to incorporate the provisions of the new Australian Standard A4696 Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption and the revised version of the AMIC Industry Animal Welfare Standard. The training support materials…

Worker Safety Induction Pilot Update

This project is exploring potential models for developing a safety induction program to be piloted in the meat processing industry. To help guide the project, a steering committee has been established, made up of industry experts, training providers and the union.  The project team are undertaking desktop research into how safety induction is currently managed in the meat industry….

Essential Meat Processing Skills Update

Work is underway to update the Certificate II level meat processing qualifications which support accredited training pathways for new entrants. The Technical Committee had its first meeting in March. They considered opportunities for new unit sectors, unit mergers or deletions and if other units of competency could be suitable for inclusion in the AMP qualifications. Several key…

Connecting RTOs & Employers Research Project Update

Thank you to those stakeholders who participated in round table consultation during February and March. These workshops reviewed some recent actions being taken to address challenges for learners to find training and employment, for training organisations to find learners, and for employers to find skilled employees. They focused on examples in the racing and breeding industry where programs have…

Exploring Training Demand and Supply Challenges Project Underway

Formal VET training is highly valuable to learners and employers alike, preparing people for employment opportunities and developing a skilled workforce. However, often training is not available where it is needed.   Registered training organisations (RTOs) must be viable, which starts with accurately gauging demand for, costs of and risks in training. Similarly, learners and employers experience barriers to obtaining…

Work Underway on New AHC Projects

Our team have commenced work on three new projects in the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and ecosystem management (AHC) industry. Input is encouraged from all stakeholders throughout the projects. There will be various opportunities to have a say – over the phone, in workshops, through email or the online feedback hub. Livestock Operations Project Over 123,000 people…

Connecting RTOs & Employers Research Project Underway

There are many successful instances of collaboration across Australia’s vocational education (VET) system that help learners to find training and employment, training organisations to find learners, and employers to find skilled employees. However, in some industries there are particular challenges in bringing together learners, employers and RTOs.  The racing and breeding industry is one example where programs…

Tree Felling Units Available for Validation and Comment

The three units of competency that describe the skills required for manual tree felling are being revised to remove barriers to training while still supporting the need for safety and competence of learners.  The draft units have been updated following a thorough review of all feedback received at the broad consultation phase of this project. The final draft…