Exploring Training Demand and Supply Challenges Project Underway

Formal VET training is highly valuable to learners and employers alike, preparing people for employment opportunities and developing a skilled workforce. However, often training is not available where it is needed.   Registered training organisations (RTOs) must be viable, which starts with accurately gauging demand for, costs of and risks in training. Similarly, learners and employers experience barriers to obtaining…

Work Underway on New AHC Projects

Our team have commenced work on three new projects in the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and ecosystem management (AHC) industry. Input is encouraged from all stakeholders throughout the projects. There will be various opportunities to have a say – over the phone, in workshops, through email or the online feedback hub. Livestock Operations Project Over 123,000 people…

Connecting RTOs & Employers Research Project Underway

There are many successful instances of collaboration across Australia’s vocational education (VET) system that help learners to find training and employment, training organisations to find learners, and employers to find skilled employees. However, in some industries there are particular challenges in bringing together learners, employers and RTOs.  The racing and breeding industry is one example where programs…

Tree Felling Units Available for Validation and Comment

The three units of competency that describe the skills required for manual tree felling are being revised to remove barriers to training while still supporting the need for safety and competence of learners.  The draft units have been updated following a thorough review of all feedback received at the broad consultation phase of this project. The final draft…