Agriculture offers a wide range of exciting and dynamic career opportunities. Like many industries, the pathways people take within agriculture are not always linear. While two people may begin their journeys as farmhands, one might eventually become a farm owner, while the other moves on to teach agricultural skills in a registered training organisation (RTO). 

Skills Insight is mapping agricultural and associated occupation qualifications as a key step towards developing a potential agricultural apprenticeship – which stems from insights within the 2023-24 Ag Trade Apprenticeship Feasibility Report

The project aims to strengthen the appeal of the agriculture industry, overcome challenges in promoting and defining career pathways, align job roles with qualifications, and enhance agricultural skills and training delivery. The project will map pathways for cross-functional careers with qualifications in the Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. This project is also key to identifying a potential agricultural trade qualification pathway as further means to support the agriculture industry’s growth.

For more information, visit the project page