A key focus of our initial work as a Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) will be to develop a Workforce Plan to describe workforce challenges and opportunities across the industries we work with and develop appropriate strategies and advice to address these challenges. The Workforce Plan will be the centrepiece of Skills Insight’s work and pave the way for the Department’s approval of projects. It will inform all our projects, activities and operations.

The first yearly Workforce Plan is currently under development based on readily available data, our previous work as an SSO and recently collected industry engagement feedback. Following consultation on this draft we will develop an Activity Schedule, outlining JSC activities for the first year of operation. Drawing on data from research conducted by Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), Skills Insight will consult with stakeholders to investigate the real-world experiences behind the data and come up with collaborative solutions to bridge skills gaps. Future Workforce Plans will then draw on this work and other research activities conducted by Skills Insight.

The draft Workforce Plan will be made available for feedback soon and your input will be crucial to ensure it reflects the real skill issues impacting your industry. Your input will also help determine what work activities will be a priority for our first year operating as a JSC.

Read more about what a Workforce Plan is.