To help support the growth of community-based aquaculture enterprises, Skills Insight is working closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to develop training tools that are culturally appropriate and tailored to the needs of First Nations communities.

Led by the Aboriginal Sea Company through community consultations, the Project Working Group is focused on creating training tools that truly reflect the unique needs of community-based aquaculture farming. By working closely with the communities, we’re co-designing training resources that are both effective and rooted in thousands of years of First Nations knowledge.

Culturally appropriate training tools will enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to receive training on Country. The resources created will provide clear pathways for training and employment within the aquaculture industry.

By co-designing these resources, we’re helping communities build essential skills, strengthen local capacity among trainers and workers, and supporting community-based aquaculture enterprises gain a stronger voice in the seafood industry.

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