Skills Insight has recently been approved to start a series of new projects focused on the below topics. Our team are currently working on initial scoping and planning work, including identifying key stakeholders to engage with in these projects.
More information including how to get involved will be available soon. For now, please make sure your subscription preferences are up to date to recieve updates about projects in industries relevant to you.

Blinds and Screens
Consultation will take place throughout this project to review the Certificate III in Blinds, Awnings, Security Screens, and Grilles and relevant units so they are more flexible and relevant to current workplaces. In response to a crucial need for consistent skills in the installation of security screens, this 13-month project will also explore the option of developing a skill set to align with industry’s proposal for a specialised occupational licensing system.
This project will be managed with support from ForestWorks.

Career mapping of agricultural qualifications
The 2023-24 Ag Trade Apprenticeship Feasibility Report revealed the need for career mapping of agricultural occupations and associated qualifications as an important next step towards a potential agricultural apprenticeship. Mapping of these qualifications could also uncover opportunities improve the promotion of agricultural career pathways, including potential improvements to occupational titles, identifying opportunities for streamlining qualifications or articulating new and emerging skills.

Community based aquaculture training
Many First Nations seafood enterprises in Northern Australia have a need for culturally appropriate training. Existing units of competency within the Seafood Industry (SFI) Training Package are mostly suitable but do not include a cultural overlay. To support the growth of First Nations enterprises in aquaculture, Skills Insight is engaging with First Nations representatives to develop culturally tailored training materials for delivering the existing units. The Aboriginal Sea Company will guide the delivery of this project, to develop training tools for registered training organisations (RTOs) through community-led design and implementation.

Poultry farm biosecurity
In light of the recent avian influenza outbreak, this project will develop, promote and deliver educational workshops to improve biosecurity awareness and preparedness in the poultry industry. This will involve individuals creating their own on farm Biosecurity Management Plans. Outcomes from the workshops will be reported at the end of the project, with the potential for the developed training program to be replicated across other agribusiness sectors.
This project is being managed with support from MINTRAC.

Research on prerequisite challenges and solutions for manual tree felling units
Following from the 2023-24 Tree Felling Project, which reviewed and updated three units for manual tree felling with a chainsaw, this project will investigate the need for a pathway into the tree felling units, so that learners are equipped with the necessary safety skills in order to participate in the practical aspects of this training. Introducing pre-requisites to the tree felling units received strong stakeholder support during the original Tree Felling Project but was outside of the project’s scope. Throughout this project, we will consult with stakeholders to explore the potential addition of pre-requisite requirements, as well as alternative approaches to creating a pathway for learners to acquire the necessary safety skills.
This project will be managed with support from ForestWorks.

Supporting partnerships for tree allocation for training in manual tree felling
Also in response to the 2023-24 Tree Felling Project, this project aims to address challenges faced by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in sourcing trees for training and assessment of the tree felling units. Ensuring that RTOs can obtain enough trees to deliver training is crucial for enabling access to necessary training. This project will seek to establish mechanisms to facilitate partnerships between RTOs and other stakeholders – such as forestry companies, councils, landowners, and national parks services – to help identify and allocate trees for training purposes.
This project will be managed with support from ForestWorks.

Veterinary nursing skills and qualification review
This project will involve an industry-led review of the Certificate IV and Diploma of Veterinary Nursing to improve the alignment of the qualifications to the level of skills required for relevant job roles. There is an option as part of this project to develop new qualifications, units and a skill set to support the development of high level skills that align with both Australian and international standards. This could support career pathways and contribute to industry strategies to address retention rates, wage growth and skills shortages for this workforce.