Eight new projects are underway to improve skills and training across the agribusiness, fibre, furnishing, food, animal and environment care industries. These projects will explore opportunities to address workforce and skills challenges that you’ve indicated to us are important.
We encourage all stakeholders to have their say throughout the projects – over the phone, in workshops, through email or the online feedback hub.
Update your newsletter subscription preferences to receive information on projects relevant to your industries of interest.

Connecting RTOs & Employers Research Project
Consultation is underway to examine successful instances of collaboration between registered training organisations and employers, using the racing and breeding industry as an example. We are interested in hearing from the industry about how collaborative solutions can be implemented more broadly across the racing and breeding industry and other industries.
At the end of the project we will produce a report, outlining the findings from our consultations and advice on how to support improved connections between employers, learners and RTOs.
For more information, visit the project page

Essential Meat Processing Skills Project
Entrants to Australia’s meat processing industry require foundational skills to prepare quality meat products hygienically and safely. Consultation is taking place throughout this project to update the Certificate II level meat processing qualifications, which support accredited training pathways for new entrants.
Three Certificate II qualifications and the units of competency within them will be reviewed:
- Certificate II Meat Processing (Food Services)
- Certificate II Meat Processing (Abattoirs)
- Certificate II Meat Processing (Meat Retailing)
For more information, visit the project page

Livestock Operations Project
Over 123,000 people contribute their skills and knowledge to Australia’s livestock industry. It is important the national skills standards for this work are regularly reviewed so learners are equipped with the current skills required, particularly as industry incorporates new innovations such as precision livestock farming practices. We encourage stakeholder input on the 70 units and one qualification, AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot Operations relating to the livestock industry that are being reviewed so that they reflect the latest technology and processes.
For more information, visit the project page
Low Enrolment Research
There are many reasons a qualification may have low enrolments not related to the level of demand for training. Skills Insight is undertaking this project to investigate the factors contributing to low or no enrolment in qualifications, particularly when there is a demand for skills and training within the industry.
A project webpage is being produced for this project. In the meantime, you are welcome to get in touch with the project manager, Ngaire Stratton [email protected]

Meat Safety Induction Pilot
During the first meeting of the Agriculture Workforce Working Group (AWWG) it was proposed that investigations take place into what a safety induction program could look like for agriculture and related industries. This project is taking place with the meat industry as a pilot to explore potential models and develop a safety induction program to provide workers entering the industry with foundational capabilities in safety.
For more information, visit the project page
Rural Operations Project
This project will undertake an in-depth analysis of the AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations to better understand how the qualification is utilised (particularly in the northern region of Australia), and to clearly identify the intended job roles attainable upon completion of the qualification. These findings will be used to assess how the unique needs of the learners and workplaces that require these skills can be better met in future.
A project webpage will be available soon. In the meantime you are welcome to get in touch with the project manager, Tom Vassallo [email protected]

Shearing and Wool Classing Project
Shearers, wool handlers and wool classers are experts in skilfully removing wool fleece and ensuring it is classed by its quality and fibre characteristics. It is important that the national qualifications for this work are kept up to date so that they reflect the latest technology and compliance requirements. Consultation will take place throughout this project to review and update six qualifications and 34 units relating to shearing, wool handling and wool classing so that they better reflect the skill level of the tasks described and the skills required by industry.
For more information, visit the project page

Training Support Materials for Meat Safety Qualifications Project
The training and assessment materials used to deliver the Certificates III and IV in Meat Safety Inspection require updating to reflect recent changes to the qualifications and relevant National Standards. Consultation will take place throughout this project to update the training support materials available through MINTRAC, so they reflect the latest advances in technology and QA practices as described in the National Standards and qualifications.
For more information, visit the project page