Have Your Say on Training Demand and Supply Challenges

Delivering and accessing formal VET training can be a challenge in many industry areas or regions.  Consultation is taking place throughout this project to understand the factors complicating demand, delivery and uptake of VET training. Eleven industry areas have been identified for qualitative research including: You have the opportunity to participate and share insights into the factors impacting…

Ag Trade Apprenticeship Feasibility Report Now Available

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Ag Trade Apprenticeship project which involved extensive stakeholder consultation, workshops and site visits across the country. Your feedback has been used to inform the Ag Trade Apprenticeship Feasibility Report which outlines the insights provided by stakeholders and presents advice for how an agricultural trade apprenticeship could be implemented. The feasibility report notes a number of…

ANZSCO Round 4 Consultations Announced

Throughout 2023, Skills Insight supported our stakeholders to provide input into the comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). Managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the ANZSCO describes and categorises occupations within Australia and New Zealand, providing a framework for data that informs decision making at all…

National Skills Taxonomy

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released National Skills Taxonomy (NST) Discussion Paper. The NST will replace the Australian Skills Classification, and this is your chance to shape its future. Your input is crucial in addressing the opportunities and challenges that a national skills taxonomy might bring. Your feedback on the discussion paper will assist JSA…

First Nations Workers Alliance joins the JSC Stakeholder Forum

After extensive discussions with a number of First Nations organisations, the First Nations Workers Alliance (FNWA) has become an Industry Member of Skills Insight, and a participant in the JSC Stakeholder Forum. The FNWA was established by the Australian Council of Trade Unions and operates as a voice for Aboriginal and Torres Straits workers who do not…

Celebrating NAIDOC Week

This week is NAIDOC Week and the theme is “Blak, Loud and Proud” to celebrate the unyielding spirit of First Nation’s communities and invite all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced. NAIDOC Week is about celebrating and recognising the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples….

2024 Workforce Plan Published

The 2024 Workforce Plan has been accepted by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) and is now available on our website to download and view.  Thank you to everyone who contributed through your ongoing conversations with us and direct feedback on the draft document. The Workforce Plan is developed to support the stakeholders…

Skills Insight’s Role in Qualification Reform

Australia’s Skills Ministers have identified the opportunity to improve Australia’s qualifications system, establishing the Qualification Reform Design Group to investigate the development of a program of Qualification Reform. Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) have been asked to ‘be a co-designer and co-owner of reform as well as the main driver of implementation’.  Skills Insight welcomes the opportunity to undertake two…

Qualifications & Units Endorsed for AHC Improvements Project  

Thank you to those who provided feedback on the placement of recently updated units within qualifications and skill sets across the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and ecosystem management training package. Trainers, learners and the broader industry will soon have access to updated qualifications and skill sets that contain units reflective of the latest technology, systems and regulations,…

Ag Trade Report Drafted

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the research into a trade apprenticeship in agriculture to help attract new entrants and promote career pathways.  A report has been drafted which outlines the insights provided by stakeholders and presents advice for how an agricultural trade apprenticeship could be implemented. The project Steering Committee has provided input…

Imported Maritime Units Being Updated

Industry Skills Australia is currently undertaking a project to review the Maritime Training Package so that it aligns with a new maritime regulation known as Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – National Law). As a result of this project, several maritime units that are used in aquaculture, fishing, and conservation and ecosystem management qualifications…

Rural Operations Project Update

The Certificate II in Rural Operations provides foundational skills required for roles across various industries in rural and regional Australia. This makes it a good example of what the Qualification Reform Design Group describe as a ‘purpose 3’ qualification in their advice to Skills Ministers as part of Qualification Reform.  Skills Insight has therefore been approved to undertake a Qualification Reform demonstration…

Shearing and Wool Classing Units for Feedback

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on qualifications for shearers, wool handlers, and wool classers. You input will help them align with the evolving skill needs of these job roles. Consultation during this time indicated that two units that were originally proposed for deletion have current or potential value in a school setting and specialised programs…

Provide Comment on Newly Developed Livestock Units

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and units of competency that support the skills to work in the livestock industry. It is important that the skills standards for working with and alongside livestock are kept up to date to support future learners. Feedback received between 3…