Connecting RTOs & Employers Research Project Underway

There are many successful instances of collaboration across Australia’s vocational education (VET) system that help learners to find training and employment, training organisations to find learners, and employers to find skilled employees. However, in some industries there are particular challenges in bringing together learners, employers and RTOs.  The racing and breeding industry is one example where programs…

Ag Trade Apprenticeship Survey Still Open for Responses

You still have another week to participate in Skills Insight’s survey about the potential benefits and key considerations for a potential ag trade apprenticeship program. Responses to the survey are being collected between 15 December 2023 and 28 January 2024.  Trainers, employers, employees or potential learners are all encouraged to participate.  An example of a qualification that could…

Wood Machining Research Project Underway

Nationally endorsed training in wood machining is currently available through the furnishing qualification MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology with a specialisation in wood machining and the forest and wood products qualification FWP31121 Certificate III in Wood Machining. Feedback from some stakeholders has indicated that the title of the furnishing qualification might be confused for…

Ag Trade Apprenticeship Project: Survey Open for Feedback

In person workshops (times in local time) Skills Insight is currently undertaking research into what a trade apprenticeship in agriculture might look like.  Over October and November, we have hosted 10 in person consultation workshops around the country, as well as three online workshops.  Following this, we encourage stakeholders to engage in a brief survey to…

Opportunity to Participate in New Projects

Thank you for your contributions and support this year as we worked to establish the Jobs and Skills Council for the agribusiness, fibre, food, furnishing, animal and environment care industries. Your insights helped shape the initial Workforce Plan, supported project work to improve training products, and supported research into the feasibility of a trade apprenticeship in…

2024 Skills Priority List Survey

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) invites you to participate in the 2024 Skills Priority List stakeholder survey. The information you provide will give JSA insights into  recruitment challenges and occupations that might be in shortage across the Australian labour market, and will help ensure the 2024 Skills Priority List is based on comprehensive evidence.  The…

Tree Felling Units Available for Validation and Comment

The three units of competency that describe the skills required for manual tree felling are being revised to remove barriers to training while still supporting the need for safety and competence of learners.  The draft units have been updated following a thorough review of all feedback received at the broad consultation phase of this project. The final draft…

Congratulations to the 2023 Australian Training Award Finalists

The Australian Training Awards acknowledge and celebrate excellence in the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector, recognising remarkable individuals, businesses, and registered training organisations (RTOs) across 16 Award categories. At Skills Insight, we are always thrilled to see outstanding achievements in the industries we work with. We congratulate all finalists, including Colin Taranto from…

National Ag Day 2023: Celebrating Australia’s Farm Sector!

This Friday, November 17, marks National Agriculture Day – a time to celebrate the remarkable Australian agricultural industry that provides world-class food and fibre to Australia and the world. This year the theme is ‘Grow You Good Thing’! Wondering how to participate? There are numerous easy ways. Here are just a few suggestions: Ag Day…

ANZSCO Review: Still Time to be Involved

Skills Insight is supporting your input into the current review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). The ANZSCO is a system used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to describe and categorise occupations, which is then used in the census to collect data about the workforce.  Occupations are being reviewed by…

New JSC Projects submitted for approval

Based on our interaction with industry and the VET sector, Skills Insight has identified potential activities and projects to help address skills and workforce needs and challenges as outlined in the initial Workforce Plan. These projects have been submitted to the Department of Employment and Workforce Relations (DEWR) for their consideration and approval. Next Stage…