Australia’s Skills Ministers have identified the opportunity to improve Australia’s qualifications system, establishing the Qualification Reform Design Group to investigate the development of a program of Qualification Reform.

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) have been asked to ‘be a co-designer and co-owner of reform as well as the main driver of implementation’. 

Skills Insight welcomes the opportunity to undertake two projects to trial the design group’s proposed purpose-led approach to qualification reform:

  • A categorisation project to test the approach. This work will be performed by each JSC on a selection of existing qualifications within the industries they support. Each JSC will produce a report with insights and advice for the Design Group’s consideration. 
  • A demonstration project: to show how qualification reform could be achieved, being undertaken by some JSCs, including Skills Insight. The Skills Insight project will involve development of a template for a purpose 3 qualification, which will be tested using the existing Certificate II in Rural Operations. While this work is happening, the existing Rural Operations Training Package Project will be paused, so that the qualification can be reviewed efficiently. 

Read more about Skills Insight’s involvement with Qualification Reform.