Training packages are a key part of Australia’s national vocational education system, but what are they exactly and why are they important?

A training package describes the skills requirements of job roles within a particular industry and how they can be assessed to determine if a learner is competent. Each industry-specific training package is made up of a collection of units of competency, skill sets and qualifications which address the requirements of different job roles and functions.

The documents within training packages are developed by industry and used by registered training organisations, like TAFEs, to guide what’s included in their training programs.

Part of our role as a Jobs and Skills Council is to consult with the industries we service to update their training packages to reflect changes in the workforce and job roles.

Skills Insight has developed a handy infographic to explain what a training package is. You’re welcome to share this widely. The more people that understand training packages, the more we can do to improve them – for industry and the vocational training sector as a whole.