Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project, industry now has access to updated versions of the training support materials used to deliver the Certificates III and IV in Meat Safety Inspection.
The revised training materials are published on MINTRAC’s website and available to download for free in Microsoft Word format for ease of use.
The materials were updated to reflect:
- the provisions of the new Australian Standard AS-4696 Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption
- the revised version of the AMIC Industry Animal Welfare Standard
- the latest in technology, practices and legislation.
For more information, visit the project page.
This Skills Insight JSC project is being managed with the support of MINTRAC as part of their collaborative partnership with Skills Insight. MINTRAC has a strong history working with the Australian meat processing industry on skills and training solutions and have been engaged by Skills Insight to deliver this project in partnership.