One of the key pieces of work for Skills Insight as a Jobs and Skills Council is our Workforce Plan.
This annual plan draws on our activities and consultations with stakeholders, along with existing data, to provide an overview of current workforce and skill issues and opportunities across the agribusiness, fibre, furnishing, food, animal and environment care industries. The 2025 Workforce Plan will feature expanded industry profiles, along with deep dives into two priority issues that have been identified by our Stakeholder Forum: workforce attraction and retention, and improving access to training.
While the process of workforce planning is ongoing, the Workforce Plan is an important mechanism to inform industry, government and the VET sector about where changes are needed to meet skill needs. It also provides the groundwork for Skills Insight’s future projects by presenting the evidence that informs our strategic priorities.
The draft Workforce Plan for 2025 is anticipated to be available on our website for review and comment in April, prior to submission to the Department.
Watch our “Processes for Working on Potential Solutions” video below to find out more about the role of the Workforce Plan.