Skills in handling and caring for livestock are crucial to Australia’s food production system. Livestock units are used across many qualifications, including the certificates of agriculture, to provide training to work with a range of animals in an agricultural setting, including sheep, cattle, alpacas, pigs, poultry, goats and bees.

Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.

  • Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.

Industry is continually implementing new technologies and methods to optimise animal welfare, improve sustainability and effectively manage livestock, particularly with the emergence of precision livestock farming practices. It is important that the national skills standards for the livestock industry are regularly reviewed so that learners are equipped with the skills currently required to work safely and effectively with and around livestock.   

Over the past few years, the entire agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management (AHC) training package has been undergoing significant revision using a ‘Unit Sector’ approach, to bring it up to date with current work methods and skills needs.  

This project continues the review of the training package with a focus on updating units relating to livestock operations. Input from employees, employers and trainers with relevant experience is encouraged so that updates reflect how work is performed in the industry currently.

Opportunities for stakeholder input  

At this stage of the project, we welcome stakeholders to review the units and qualification listed below and consider how they may be improved as part of this project. 

We are interested to know:  

  • Is the language used correct and current? 
  • Is the technology referred to correct and current? 
  • Is the indicative skill level appropriate? 

We are particularly interested to hear viewpoints on the qualification, AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot Operations, including feedback on the name of the qualification and whether there are other units that should be included in it.  

Note to RTOs: Changes made to units as part of this project will need to be reflected in other AHC qualifications and skill sets. We encourage registered training organisations (RTOs) to review the list of impacted qualifications carefully to see if they have any of these on scope. 

Input on the existing units and qualification will help in the creation of revised versions, which will be developed with help from a Technical Committee (TC) made up of relevant experts. Broad stakeholder feedback will be sought throughout the month of May via this webpage. Webinars and face-to-face consultation workshops will also be planned in each state and territory to collect feedback.   

For updates and consultation opportunities, please follow the newsletter subscription link above. Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. Please feel free to contact the project manager, Susie Falk on 0438 98 54 42 or 03 9321 3526 or [email protected] 

A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project. Skills Insight will make contact with each of these organisations during the development of the project to seek involvement and views on the drafts. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on the list. If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team. A Consultation Strategy has been produced outlining the planned consultation throughout the project.

This project was approved to commence as part of the Annual Training Product Development Plan.

Project Scope and Purpose

Qualification and units being reviewed 
Consultation will take place throughout this project to revise one qualification, AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot Operations, and 70 units of competency. Most of the units listed are from the livestock sector, ranging from indicative AQF level 1 to indicative AQF level 5. There are also seven units from other AHC sectors, namely:  

  • Broad Acre Cropping (AHCBAC) 
  • Business (AHCBUS) 
  • Hydroponics (AHCHYD) 
  • Natural Resource Management (AHCNRM)  
  • Work (AHCWRK)

We encourage you to please check the list of units below carefully as we will require expert stakeholder input on everything listed. 

Impacted qualifications and skill sets 
The units under review as part of this project are included in 23 qualifications and nine skill sets, which will need to be updated to include the revised units at the completion of this project. Stakeholder feedback will be invited on the impacts of any updates to the units in these qualifications and skill sets. Some of these qualifications and skill sets may also be impacted by updates made as part of the Shearing and Wool Classing Project.  

Notification of units being deleted
There are currently eight units that have been removed from all qualifications within the AHC Training Package as part of previous projects. Upon completion of the remaining projects within the unit sector approach, these units will be officially removed from the AHC Training Package and will be marked as deleted on the website. Please review the list below and contact a member of the project team if you have any questions or feedback.  


Project Team

Headshot of Susie Falk

Susie Falk

Project Manager
Skills Insight
[email protected]

Andrew headshot

Andrew Horgan

Stakeholder Engagement Manager Skills Insight
[email protected] 

Peter Miller

Industry Skills Standards Contractor

Relevant Occupations 

The units being reviewed as part of this project relate to a broad range of occupations across the agriculture industry, as they describe the skills for working with livestock used in many environments. This skilled workforce draws on a range of expertise to: 

  • handle and move livestock 
  • care for livestock health and welfare 
  • feed animals, including considerations for nutrition and portioning 
  • operate specialised machinery and software programs 
  • assess and manage biosecurity  
  • market animals for sale 
  • perform general cleaning and maintenance

Qualifications and Units Under Review

*Units marked with a single asterisk are currently included in the Certificate III in Feedlot Operations. 

**Units marked with a double asterisk do not currently sit in a qualification or skill set. If, as part of their review in this project, it is determined the skills and knowledge in these units is no longer required, they will be proposed for deletion.

AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot Operations  AHCLSK318 Rear newborn and young livestock 
AHCBAC310 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock production AHCLSK319 Slaughter livestock 
AHCBUS301 Use hand held e-business tools AHCLSK320 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
AHCHYD301 Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems AHCLSK321 Service and repair bores and windmills 
AHCHYD302 Install hydroponic systems AHCLSK322 Transport farm produce or bulk materials 
AHCHYD501 Develop a plan for a hydroponic system AHCLSK323 Maintain and monitor feed stocks 
AHCLSK101 Support extensive livestock work AHCLSK324 Care for and train working dogs 
AHCLSK102 Support intensive livestock work AHCLSK325 Castrate livestock 
AHCLSK201 Assist with feeding in a production system AHCLSK326 Mix and mill standard stockfeed* 
AHCLSK202 Care for health and welfare of livestock AHCLSK327 Collect, store and administer colostrum 
AHCLSK204 Carry out regular livestock observation AHCLSK328 Remove and facilitate reuse of effluent and manure from an intensive production system* 
AHCLSK205 Handle livestock using basic techniques AHCLSK331 Comply with industry animal welfare requirements* 
AHCLSK206 Identify and mark livestock AHCLSK332 Monitor animals in intensive production systems* 
AHCLSK207 Load and unload livestock AHCLSK333 Monitor pen condition and ration suitability* 
AHCLSK209 Monitor water supplies AHCLSK334 Plan, prepare and conduct mulesing procedures 
AHCLSK210 Muster and move livestock AHCLSK337 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work 
AHCLSK211 Provide feed for livestock AHCLSK401 Develop feeding plans for a production system 
AHCLSK213 Clean out production sheds AHCLSK402 Develop livestock feeding plans 
AHCLSK214 Maintain production growing environments**AHCLSK404 Implement and monitor animal welfare programs 
AHCLSK215 Carry out alpaca handling and husbandry operations**AHCLSK405 Implement intensive production systems 
AHCLSK216 Clean and maintain livestock pens* AHCLSK406 Oversee animal marking operations 
AHCLSK217 Apply animal welfare principles to handling and husbandry of livestock AHCLSK407 Plan and monitor intensive production systems 
AHCLSK218 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work AHCLSK409 Supervise animal health programs 
AHCLSK301 Administer medication to livestock*AHCLSK410 Supervise feedlot operations 
AHCLSK303 Carry out feedlot operations AHCLSK412 Arrange livestock purchases 
AHCLSK304 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock* AHCLSK413 Design livestock handling facilities 
AHCLSK305 Maintain livestock water supplies AHCLSK414 Arrange transport for farm produce or livestock 
AHCLSK306 Coordinate and monitor production performance AHCLSK418 Escort livestock during export 
AHCLSK307 Euthanase livestock* AHCLSK419 Manage horses for stock work 
AHCLSK308 Identify and draft livestock* AHCLSK501 Manage livestock production 
AHCLSK309 Implement animal health control programs* AHCLSK502 Arrange marketing of livestock 
AHCLSK310 Implement feeding plans for intensive production* AHCLSK504 Develop livestock health and welfare strategies 
AHCLSK311 Implement feeding plans for livestock AHCLSK506 Design livestock effluent systems 
AHCLSK313 Monitor livestock production growing environments AHCNRM507 Manipulate and analyse data within geographic information systems 
AHCLSK316 Prepare livestock for competition AHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program 
AHCLSK317 Plan to exhibit livestock 

Impacted Qualifications

The qualifications listed below may be impacted by any updates made to the units under review in this project. They may also be impacted by updates occurring as part of the Shearing and Wool Classing Project. Where possible, these qualifications will undergo a minor update to reflect the updated units. Any feedback received about these qualifications that is outside of the scope of this project will be recorded for the next time the qualifications are under full review. 

Some of the units under review as part of this project currently sit in the core or within a specialisation of other qualifications. As replacement of these units is deemed a major change and lies outside the remit of this project, they cannot be updated at the end of the project to reflect updates to the units. Instead, the updates to the units will be recorded and addressed the next time the qualifications are under review.

In some cases, qualifications from training packages outside of Skills Insight’s remit may be impacted by updates to the units. In these instances, the Jobs and Skills Council responsible for the training package will be notified.

AHC10222 Certificate I in AgricultureAHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture *
AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture *AHC40219 Certificate IV in Protected Horticulture
AHC21722 Certificate II in PermacultureAHC40920 Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem Management
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture *AHC42021 Certificate IV in Landscape Construction Management
AHC30620 Certificate III in Production HorticultureAHC42122 Certificate IV in Permaculture
AHC30722 Certificate III in HorticultureAHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture *
AHC31120    Certificate III in Nursery OperationsAHC50320 Diploma of Production Horticulture
AHC31818    Certificate III in BeekeepingAHC50520 Diploma of Arboriculture
AHC32422 Certificate III in Irrigation TechnologyAHC51920 Diploma of Applied Agronomy
AHC32720 Certification III in Rural MerchandisingAHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management
AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations *AHC60520 Advanced Diploma of Arboriculture
AHC33722 Certificate III in Protected Horticulture
Note: *qualifications marked with an asterisk also impacted by units in the Shearing and Wool Classing Project

Impacted skill sets (9)
Some of the units under review as part of this project are currently included in the skill sets listed below. These skill sets will be updated to reflect the revised units at the end of this project.

AHCSS00068 Production Horticulture Technology Skill Set
AHCSS00101 Irrigation Retail Sales Skill Set
AHCSS00113 Firearms Skill Set
AHCSS00150 Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set
AHCSS00151 Pork Industry Stockperson Skill Set
AHCSS00152 Poultry Farm Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00153 Poultry Breeding Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00155 Poultry Services Provider Skill Set
AHCSS00156 Poultry Hatchery Technician Skill Set

The following qualifications contain units under review as part of this project and are also under review themselves as part of the Shearing and Wool Classing Project. You may wish to visit the project page for that project if you have an interest in them.  

AHC21316 Certificate II in Shearing
AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool Handling
AHC32916 Certificate III in Shearing
AHC33016 Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation
AHC33116 Certificate III in Advance Wool Handling
AHC41315 Certificate IV in Wool Classing

The workforce of the livestock industry are continually adopting new technologies and methods to improve sustainability, efficiency and animal welfare outcomes in the industry. It is important that the national skills standards for this work are regularly reviewed so that learners are equipped with the skills currently required to operate safely and effectively with and around livestock.   

This project continues the work to fully review the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management (AHC) training package with a focus on updating units relating to livestock operations. Employees, employers and trainers with relevant experience are encouraged to provide feedback so that updates reflect how work is performed in the industry currently.

A Technical Committee of relevant experts has been formed to provide advice throughout the project. The group met on 22 February 2024 for initial discussions and to review and accept the Technical Committee Terms of Reference and Consultation Strategy. The group is currently working with the project team to review and update the units of competency.

Next Steps

The draft units and qualification will be made available for comment on this webpage in May 2024. Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback.

Register for a Consultation Workshop

In-person and online workshops are planned for May to coincide with the draft documents being made available for broad stakeholder feedback. These sessions will provide further information about the work underway and how you can have input on the updated draft qualification and units.

Register for a session that best suits you.

Site Visit Consultations

Skills Insight’s Susie Falk and Peter Miller recently visited a cattle property near Mansfield for a site visit as part of this project. Their hosts Emily, James and Clara McCormack treated them to a valuable couple of days. Susie and Peter were able to observe how the McCormacks work with horses and dogs to manage their cattle, how they digitally record calf weight using ear tags, and how they handle the livestock using low stress stockhandling techniques.

Susie Falk and Peter Miller on site
Peter with James and Clara at work
Clara bringing in cattle on horseback

Susie and Peter also had the opportunity to visit Teys Australia’s Charlton feedlot, where low stress stock handling was also a focus. They were able to observe how technology is used to determine how many kilograms of feed has been consumed per animal, and how much more might be needed at the next feeding time. They also saw how riders on horseback survey the stock, looking for any animal with health concerns and separating them out for later treatment. Peter and Susie were then shown how new stock are processed, including tagging and vaccinations.

Through these site visits Peter and Susie were able to experience tasks covered by the units and qualification being reviewed as part of this project.

Consultation is underway to revise the Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and 72 units of competency that support the skills to work in the livestock industry. It is important that the skills standards for working with and alongside livestock are kept up to date, so they reflect the latest technologies, equipment and animal handling techniques.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft qualifications and units of competency that were available on this website for review and comment from 3 May to 5 June 2024, and the additional two units that were available between 20 June to 18 July 2024. Your input will be used to inform further updates to the drafts.

There will be further opportunity to provide input into all the documents being reviewed as part of this project during the ‘Consultation Gathering’ stage in July – August 2024.

Feedback Collected from 3 May to 5 June

A project Technical Committee and subject matter experts were consulted to determine the content of the draft units and qualification and broad stakeholder feedback was encouraged on these draft documents.

Summary of changes

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations was revised to refer to ‘feedlot operations’ rather than ‘beef cattle feedlot operations’, to allow for broader application of the qualification. The list of job roles was also updated. Biosecurity, environmental sustainability and animal welfare are essential skill areas for work in the sector and so three core units to support these skills were added to the qualification.

Seventy units of competency were revised to reflect feedback received by the project Technical Committee and other stakeholders consulted to date. All units had minor edits to the Performance Criteria (PC) and Knowledge Evidence. Most units remained equivalent as their outcomes remain the same.

There are an additional 20 qualifications and 10 skill sets that include units of competency that are under review as part of this project and/or the Shearing and Wool Classing Project. The degree to which these qualifications and skill sets may be impacted is dependent on the feedback received on the units and whether there is also a need to update their codes.

For a detailed list of changes, please see the Summary of Changes document.

Consultation Workshops

In-person and online workshops were held in May to coincide with the draft documents being made available for broad stakeholder feedback. These sessions provided further information about the work underway and how stakeholders could have input on the updated draft qualification and units.

In-person sessions

Murray Bridge, SA
Thursday 2 May, 10am to 12noon AECT
Hamilton, Vic
Monday 6 May, 10am – 12 noon AEST
Longford, TAS
Friday 10 May, 9am – 11am AEST
Toowoomba, QLD
Tuesday 14 May, 10am – 12 noon AEST
Dalby, QLD
Wednesday 15 May, 10am – 12 noon AEST
Wagga Wagga, NSW
Friday 17 May, 10am – 12 noon AEST
Busselton, WA
Tuesday 21 May, 10am – 12noon AWST
Esperance, WA
Thursday 23 May, 10am – 12noon AWST
Alice Springs, NT
Tuesday 28 May, 9am – 11am ACST
Katherine, NT
Thursday 30 May, 10am – 12 noon ACST

Online sessions

Thursday 2 May, 1:30-330pm AESTTuesday 14 May, 1-3pm AEST

View the documents

Click on the accordions below to view the qualification and units of competency that were made available for feedback between 3 May and 5 June.

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations has been revised to refer to ‘feedlot operations’ rather than ‘beef cattle feedlot operations’, to allow for broader application of the qualification. The list of job roles has also been updated to include feedlot maintenance worker, feedlot hand, feed mill operator, feed mill hand, livestock farm worker, livestock hand, pen rider, feedlot administration worker. Feedback is encouraged about whether this list is complete and if they job role titles are appropriate?

Three core units to support skills in biosecurity, environmental sustainability and animal welfare skills have been added to the draft qualification:

  • AHCBIO303 Apply biosecurity measures
  • AHCWRK320 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
  • AHCLSK3X25 Comply with industry welfare requirements

Three units have also been moved from the core to elective group following advice from the project Technical Committee and other consultation to date that not all job roles that the qualification supports requires these skills:

  • AHCBIO301 Identify and report signs of unusual disease or pest
  • AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
  • AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases

Twelve units are proposed to be added to elective groups, as they include a variety of everyday tasks:

  • AHCAGB302 Keep production records for a primary production business
  • AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision
  • AHCLSK2X04 Handle livestock using basic techniques
  • AHCLSK2X06 Load and unload livestock
  • AHCLSK2X07 Monitor water supplies
  • AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work
  • AHCLSK3X04 Maintain livestock water supplies
  • AHCLSK3X19 Maintain and monitor feed stocks
  • AHCMOM202 Operate tractor
  • AHCWRK215 Collect and record production data
  • ACMEQU212 Handle horse safely
  • ACMEQU218 Perform horse riding skills at walk, trot and canter

The title of elective units for Group C has also been changed to include Livestock Handling, rather than Pen Rider, to encompass the role of Pen Rider and more.

All units have had minor edits to the Performance Criteria (PC) and Knowledge Evidence. Some PCs have been merged, some PCs have been added and some PCs have been re-sequenced. Most units remain equivalent as their outcomes remain the same.

Details around volume and frequency of tasks has been added or adjusted to the performance evidence of all units. Some units have had the statement ‘Assessment of this unit must be conducted on live animals’ added. The Assessment Criteria in some units also did not exist and so has been added.

Some units have had minor changes to their application statement. Foundation skills have been added to units where it was missing, otherwise foundation skills across the units have received minor edits.

Two units that have very similar outcomes for supporting livestock work have been merged to become one unit.

AHCLSK1X01 Support livestock work
(This unit is the result of merging AHCLSK101 Support extensive livestock work and AHCLSK102 Support intensive livestock work)
AHCLSK2X01 Assist with feeding in a production system
AHCLSK2X02 Care for health and welfare of livestock
AHCLSK2X03 Carry out regular livestock observation
AHCLSK2X04 Handle livestock using basic techniques
AHCLSK2X05 Identify and mark livestock
AHCLSK2X06 Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK2X07 Monitor water supplies
AHCLSK2X08 Muster and move livestock
AHCLSK2X09 Provide feed for livestock
AHCLSK2X10 Clean out production sheds
AHCLSK2X11 Maintain production growing environments
AHCLSK2X12 Carry out alpaca handling and husbandry operations
AHCLSK2X13 Clean and maintain livestock pens
AHCLSK2X14 Apply animal welfare principles to handling and husbandry of livestock
AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work
AHCLSK340 Mate and monitor reproduction of alpacas
AHCLSK3X01 Administer medication to livestock
AHCLSK3X02 Carry out feedlot operations
AHCLSK3X03 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock
AHCLSK3X04 Maintain livestock water supplies
(The “operation and maintenance of solar power systems” has been added to the knowledge evidence of this unit)
AHCLSK3X05 Coordinate and monitor production performance
AHCLSK3X06 Euthanase livestock
AHCLSK3X07 Identify and draft livestock
AHCLSK3X08 Implement animal health control programs
AHCLSK3X09 Implement feeding plans for intensive production
AHCLSK3X10 Implement feeding plans for livestock
AHCLSK3X11 Monitor livestock production growing environments
AHCLSK3X12 Prepare livestock for competition
AHCLSK3X13 Plan to exhibit livestock
AHCLSK3X14 Rear newborn and young livestock
AHCLSK3X15 Slaughter livestock
AHCLSK3X16 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
AHCLSK3X17 Service and repair bores and windmills
AHCLSK3X18 Transport farm produce or bulk materials
AHCLSK3X19 Maintain and monitor feed stocks
AHCLSK3X20 Care for and train working dogs
AHCLSK3X21 Castrate livestock
AHCLSK3X22 Mix and mill standard stockfeed
AHCLSK3X23 Collect, store and administer colostrum
(We are seeking further feedback about whether the collection of colostrum is a common practice for livestock, or has this been replaced by the use of colostrum replacer and/or artificial colostrum?)
AHCLSK3X24 Remove and facilitate reuse of effluent and manure from an intensive production system
AHCLSK3X25 Comply with industry animal welfare requirements
AHCLSK3X26 Monitor animals in intensive production systems
AHCLSK3X27 Monitor pen condition and ration suitability
AHCLSK3X28 Plan, prepare and conduct mulesing procedures
AHCLSK3X29 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work
AHCLSK4X01 Develop feeding plans for an intensive livestock production system
AHCLSK4X02 Develop livestock feeding plans for livestock
AHCLSK4X03 Implement and monitor animal welfare programs
AHCLSK4X04 Implement intensive production systems
AHCLSK4X05 Oversee animal marking operations
AHCLSK4X06 Plan and monitor intensive production systems
AHCLSK4X07 Supervise animal health programs
AHCLSK4X08 Supervise feedlot operations
AHCLSK4X09 Arrange livestock purchases
AHCLSK4X10 Design livestock handling facilities
AHCLSK4X11 Arrange transport for farm produce or livestock
AHCLSK4X12 Escort livestock during export
AHCLSK4X13 Manage horses for stock work
AHCLSK5X01 Manage livestock production
AHCLSK5X02 Arrange marketing of livestock
AHCLSK5X03 Develop livestock health and welfare strategies
AHCLSK5X04 Design livestock effluent systems
AHCNRM5X01 Manipulate and analyse data within geographic information systems
AHCWRK6X01 Monitor projects in a program

Other units of competency
AHCBAC3X01 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock production
AHCBUS3X01 Use handheld e-business tools
AHCHYD3X01 Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems
AHCHYD3X02 Install hydroponic systems
AHCHYD5X01 Develop a plan for a hydroponic system

These qualifications include units of competency that are under review as part of this project and/or the Shearing and Wool Classing Project. The degree to which these qualifications are impacted will depend on the feedback received on the units and whether there is also a need to update their codes.

We are aware that some of these qualifications have recently been updated, and any update made to their elective unit codes may require another qualification code change (as per policy requirements). While another code change may not be ideal, the updated qualification will be more current. Please advise if you support the proposed code changes to the units under review, which are also within these qualifications?

Please contact Susie Falk with any questions or feedback, [email protected]

AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture
AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
AHC21722 Certificate II in Permaculture
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHC30624 Certificate III in Production Horticulture
AHC30722 Certificate III in Horticulture
AHC31124 Certificate III in Nursery Operations
AHC31824 Certificate III in Beekeeping
AHC32724 Certification III in Rural Merchandising
AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations
AHC33722 Certificate III in Protected Horticulture
AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture
AHC40224 Certificate IV in Protected Horticulture
AHC42122 Certificate IV in Permaculture
AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture
AHC50324 Diploma of Production Horticulture
AHC50524 Diploma of Arboriculture
AHC51920 Diploma of Applied Agronomy
AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management
AHC60524 Advanced Diploma of Arboriculture

These skill sets include units of competency that are under review as part of this project or units that have been updated in previous projects. The degree to which these skill sets are impacted will depend on the feedback received on the units and whether there is also a need to update their codes.

Please contact Susie Falk with any questions or feedback, [email protected]

AHCSS00028 Basic Introduction to Bee Keeping Skill Set
AHCSS00068 Production Horticulture Technology Skill Set
AHCSS00101 Irrigation Retail Sales Skill Set
AHCSS00150 Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set
AHCSS00151 Pork Industry Stockperson Skill Set
AHCSS00152 Poultry Farm Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00153 Poultry Breeding Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00155 Poultry Services Provider Skill Set
AHCSS00156 Poultry Hatchery Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00183 Firearms Skill Set

These units are identified for possible deletion, as part of the Shearing and Wool Classing Project as they may no longer align with the current skill requirements of industry. We encourage you to provide your feedback through the online survey.

AHCWOL101 Support woolshed activitiesProvide feedback
AHCSHG306 Carry out post-shearing proceduresProvide feedback
AHCSHG402 Conduct equipment experting for machine shearingProvide feedback

These units have been removed from all qualifications within the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package as part of project work over the past few years. It follows feedback that they no longer align with the current skill requirements of industry. These units will be officially removed from the AHC Training Package and will be marked as deleted on the National Training Register.

AHCAIS301 Collect semen
AHCAIS302 Process and store semen
Feedback out of the Animal Reproduction Project advised that these artificial insemination skills can be provided by specialist services as required.
AHCMKH401 Carry out cleaning-time tests of milking machines
AHCMKH402 Design and fabricate milking equipment installations
AHCMKH403 Design and install enterprise milk cooling and storage
AHCMKH404 Install milking equipment
AHCMKH405 Performance test milking machines
Identified for deletion as part of the Dairy & Milk Harvesting Project as they have not been delivered by registered training organisations since they were created and they do not align with the job role within the AHC30221 Certificate III in Dairy Production.
AHCPGD205 Prepare a grave siteIndustry feedback as part of the Parks & Gardens Project was that it is not suitable/applicable to the parks and gardens industry. There is a more suitable qualification on offer as part of the SIF Funeral Services Training Package – SIF30213 Certificate III in Gravedigging, Grounds and Maintenance.

A draft copy of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide which includes details of the proposed changes to qualification and units of competency is also available for review and comment.

Feedback Collected from 20 June to 18 July

Feedback received as part of broad consultation on the Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and 70 units of competency between 3 May and 5 June 2024 revealed the need to develop two units:

  • an introductory unit to work safely with stock horses
  • a detailed branding livestock unit.

Why were they developed?

The new AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely unit has been developed to reflect the appropriate techniques for agricultural stock horse work. It is recommended to be used instead of the unit ACMEQU212 Handle Horses Safely which reflects the skills required of horse care job roles outside of the livestock industry.

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations has been updated to include the newly created AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely unit. AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work has also been updated to contain the unit as a pre-requisite instead of ACMEQU212 Handle Horses Safely. The new unit is also incorporated in AHCLSK3X29 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work, which contains AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work as a prerequisite. 

The need to develop a livestock branding unit has emerged from the need for safe and humane practices in branding livestock. Branding is common practice in Northern Australia and required by law in some areas. National skill standards can promote the use of practices that support animal welfare.

What kind of feedback were we after?

We encouraged feedback about any aspects of the two new units, so that future learners are equipped with the appropriate skills. This included suggestions about the title, application, performance criteria, performance evidence, knowledge evidence, and assessment criteria.

We encouraged your comments on the three existing stock horse units being revised as part of the project, so that they can be reviewed holistically in the context of the new unit. You were also welcome to provide feedback on the updated draft Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and companion volume implementation guide.

For a detailed breakdown of changes to the qualification and existing units, download the Summary of Changes.

In addition, we were interested in your views about how best to refer to ‘good stockhandling techniques’. Previous drafts included references to ‘low stress stock handling’, which was updated to ‘good stockhandling techniques’ to encompass a broader range of methodologies. However, the use of the word ‘good’ raised concerns about subjectivity. An alternative that has been suggested is ‘safe and effective stockhandling techniques’. There is broad support for greater emphasis on the safety of the worker and the wellbeing of the animal in standards for livestock handling skills.

AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safelyView draft unit and provide feedback
AHCLSK2X17 Brand livestockView draft unit and provide feedback
Certificate III in Feedlot OperationsView draft qualification and provide feedback

We welcome your feedback on all livestock handling units specific to horses so you can review them in context with each other. Note that AHCLSK4X13 Manage horses for stock work has not had any further changes made to it. 

AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock workView draft unit and provide feedback
AHCLSK3X29 Train, care for and ride horses for stock workView draft unit and provide feedback
AHCLSK4X13 Manage horses for stock workView draft unit and provide feedback
AHC Training Package Companion Volume Implementation GuideView draft guide and provide feedback

There are an additional two units available for review as part of the Shearing and Wool Classing Project. They were originally proposed for deletion but feedback indicated that they have current or potential value in a school setting and in specialised programs with a youth focus. 

Summary of consultation to date

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and units of competency covered in this project were drafted in consultation with the Technical Committee and with small groups of industry and training experts in a series of targeted workshops. Individuals working directly in feedlot operations, general livestock operations, registered training organisations and a representative from a skills council participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Three site visits were undertaken; to a grass-fed beef property in Mansfield, a beef feedlot in Charlton and a sheep station in Ballan, to observe job roles in the workplaces. Thank you to those who welcomed the project team to their property and provided feedback during these activities. The project team arranged for further site visits throughout the month of May while on consultation around Australia.

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and 72 units of competency that support the skills to work in the livestock industry are under review as part of this project, so that they reflect the latest technologies, equipment and animal handling techniques.

Thank you to those who provided comment on the final draft units, qualification and related documents made available from 9 to 26 August, as part of the consensus gathering process.

Feedback was sought on updates to the qualifications and units, as well as the development of two new units for handling stock horses safely and branding livestock.

Feedback was especially encouraged on the following three horse units, as there were unanswered questions relating to feedback received during Broad Consultation stage:

  • AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely
  • AHCLSK3X29 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work
  • AHCLSK4X13 Manage horses for stock work

Specific questions were included as comments on the drafts for ease of consultation.

Input was also sought on the detailed description of the term ‘good stock handling techniques’ that was included in the updated Companion Volume Implementation Guide (CVIG). Good stock handling techniques is a term that was added to several units to highlight the need for a focus on the safety of the worker and wellbeing of the animal. The industry-recognised term encompasses ethical, humane and safe stock handling techniques that are expected to be used throughout the livestock industry.

Note to RTOs

Twenty other AHC qualifications are impacted by changes made in this project, including the Certificates I, II, III, IV and Diploma of Agriculture. For more information see below.

Online Consultation Workshops

Stakeholder were invited to participate in an online Consensus Gathering workshop to discuss key changes to the drafts and the process for providing feedback. Times are in AEST (Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne).

  • Wednesday, 14 August, 10:00 -11:30 am
  • Thursday, 15 August, 1:00 – 2:30 pm

View the documents

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations was revised to refer to ‘feedlot operations’ rather than ‘beef cattle feedlot operations’, to allow for broader application of the qualification. The list of job roles was also updated to include feedlot maintenance worker, feedlot hand, feed mill operator, feed mill hand, livestock farm worker, livestock hand, pen rider, feedlot administration worker.

Three core units to support skills in biosecurity, environmental sustainability and animal welfare skills were added to the draft qualification:

  • AHCBIO303 Apply biosecurity measures
  • AHCWRK320 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
  • AHCLSK3X25 Comply with industry welfare requirements

Three units were also moved from the core to the elective group, following advice from the project Technical Committee and other consultation to date that not all job roles that the qualification supports requires these skills:

  • AHCBIO301 Identify and report signs of unusual disease or pest
  • AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
  • AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases

Several units were proposed to be added to elective groups, as they include a variety of everyday tasks. This included two newly developed units for handling horses safely for stock work and branding livestock. The two equine units, ACMEQU212 Handle horses safely and ACMEQU218 Perform horse riding skills at a walk, trot and canter in elective Group C, were removed and replaced with AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely. Units marked with an asterisk* were added since the Broad Consultation stage:

  • AHCMOM201 Operate two wheel motorbikes*
  • AHCWRK213 Participate in workplace communications*
  • BSBTEC201 Use business software applications *
  • AHC2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely (new unit)*
  • AHC2X17 Brand livestock (new unit)*
  • AHCAGB302 Keep production records for a primary production business
  • AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision
  • AHCLSK2X04 Handle livestock using basic techniques
  • AHCLSK2X06 Load and unload livestock
  • AHCLSK2X07 Monitor water supplies
  • AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work
  • AHCLSK3X04 Maintain livestock water supplies
  • AHCLSK3X19 Maintain and monitor feed stocks
  • AHCMOM202 Operate tractor
  • AHCWRK215 Collect and record production data

The title of elective units for Group C was also changed to include Livestock Handling, rather than Pen Rider, to encompass the role of Pen Rider and more.

Seventy units were revised to reflect feedback received during broad stakeholder consultation:

  • All units had minor edits to the Performance Criteria (PC) and Knowledge Evidence (KE).
  • Details around volume and frequency of tasks were added or adjusted in the Performance Evidence of all units.
  • Some units had minor changes to their application statement.
  • Foundation skills were added to units where it was missing, otherwise foundation skills across the units have received minor edits.
  • Good stock handling techniques were included in several units of competency, and described in the CVIG.
  • An addition was made to the Assessment Conditions of all units that require individuals to work with live animals: Assessment of this unit must be conducted on live animals.
  • An addition was made to the Assessment Conditions of AHCLSK3X03 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock to say: Assessment of this unit must be conducted on livestock carcasses.
  • Five units had title changes and two units have been merged into one, as indicated below.
  • Eight units were deemed not equivalent, as indicated below.
  • The following two units were updated to include references to NHVR CoR responsibilities and Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock requirements relevant to the transportation of livestock:
  • AHCLSK3X16 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
  • AHCLSK3X18 Transport farm produce or bulk materials.
Livestock Units
AHCLSK1X01 Support livestock work
(This unit is the result of merging AHCLSK101 Support extensive livestock work and AHCLSK102 Support intensive livestock work)
AHCLSK2X01 Assist with feeding in a production system
AHCLSK2X02 Care for health and welfare of livestock
AHCLSK2X03 Carry out regular livestock observation
AHCLSK2X04 Handle livestock using basic techniques
AHCLSK2X05 Identify and mark livestock
AHCLSK2X06 Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK2X07 Monitor water supplies
AHCLSK2X08 Muster and move livestock
AHCLSK2X09 Provide feed for livestock
AHCLSK2X10 Clean out production sheds
AHCLSK2X11 Maintain production growing environments
AHCLSK2X12 Carry out alpaca handling and husbandry operations
AHCLSK2X13 Clean and maintain livestock pens
AHCLSK2X14 Apply animal welfare principles to handling and husbandry of livestock
AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work
AHCLSK340 Mate and monitor reproduction of alpacas
AHCLSK3X01 Administer medication and treatment to livestock
(previously AHCLSK3X01 Administer medication to livestock)
AHCLSK3X02 Carry out feedlot operations
AHCLSK3X03 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock
AHCLSK3X04 Maintain livestock water supplies
AHCLSK3X05 Coordinate and monitor production performance
AHCLSK3X06 Euthanase livestock
AHCLSK3X07 Identify and draft livestock
AHCLSK3X08 Implement animal health control programs
AHCLSK3X09 Implement feeding plans for intensive livestock production
(previously AHCLSK3X09 Implement feeding plans for intensive production)
AHCLSK3X10 Implement feeding plans for livestock
AHCLSK3X11 Monitor livestock production growing environments
AHCLSK3X12 Prepare livestock for competition
AHCLSK3X13 Plan to exhibit livestock
AHCLSK3X14 Rear newborn and young livestock
AHCLSK3X15 Slaughter livestock
AHCLSK3X16 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
AHCLSK3X17 Service and repair bores and windmills
AHCLSK3X18 Transport farm produce or bulk materials
AHCLSK3X19 Maintain and monitor feed stocks
AHCLSK3X20 Care for and train working dogs
AHCLSK3X21 Castrate livestock
AHCLSK3X22 Mix and mill standard stockfeed
AHCLSK3X23 Collect, store and administer colostrum
AHCLSK3X24 Remove and facilitate reuse of effluent and manure from an intensive production system
AHCLSK3X25 Comply with industry animal welfare requirements
AHCLSK3X26 Monitor animals in intensive production systems
AHCLSK3X27 Monitor pen condition and ration suitability
AHCLSK3X28 Plan, prepare and conduct mulesing procedures
AHCLSK3X29 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work
AHCLSK4X01 Develop feeding plans for an intensive livestock production system
(previously AHCLSK4X01 Develop feeding plans for a production system)
AHCLSK4X02 Develop feeding plans for livestock
(previously AHCLSK4X02 Develop livestock feeding plans)
AHCLSK4X03 Implement and monitor animal welfare programs
AHCLSK4X04 Implement intensive production systems
AHCLSK4X05 Oversee animal marking operations
AHCLSK4X06 Plan and monitor intensive production systems
AHCLSK4X07 Supervise animal health programs
AHCLSK4X08 Supervise feedlot operations
AHCLSK4X09 Arrange livestock purchases
AHCLSK4X10 Design livestock handling facilities
AHCLSK4X11 Arrange transport for farm produce or livestock
AHCLSK4X12 Escort livestock during export
AHCLSK4X13 Manage horses for stock work
AHCLSK5X01 Manage livestock production
AHCLSK5X02 Arrange marketing of livestock
AHCLSK5X03 Develop livestock health and welfare strategies
AHCLSK5X04 Design livestock effluent systems
AHCNRM5X01 Manipulate and analyse data within geographic information systems
AHCWRK6X01 Monitor projects in a program

Other units of competency
AHCBAC3X01 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock production
AHCBUS1X01 Use portable technology in the workplace
(previously AHCBUS3X01 Use handheld e-business tools)
AHCHYD3X01 Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems
AHCHYD3X02 Install hydroponic systems
AHCHYD5X01 Develop a plan for a hydroponic system

Following feedback received during Broad Consultation, two new units were developed:

  • AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely was developed to reflect the appropriate techniques for agricultural stock horse work, and was proposed to be used instead of ACMEQU212 Handle Horses Safely, which reflects the skills required of horse care job roles outside of the livestock industry. The new units was proposed for inclusion in the Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and two units where ACMEQU212 Handle Horses Safely is a prerequisite: AHCLSK2X15 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work and AHCLSK3X29 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work.
  • AHCLSK2X17 Brand livestock was developed due to a need for safe and humane practices in branding livestock. Branding is common practice in Northern Australia and required by law in some areas. National skill standards can promote the use of practices that support animal welfare. The branding unit was proposed for inclusion in the electives of appropriate AHC qualifications.
AHCLSK2X16 Handle horses for stock work safely
AHCLSK2X17 Brand livestock

These qualifications include units of competency that are under review as part of this project and/or the Shearing and Wool Classing Project. The degree to which these qualifications are impacted will depend on the feedback received on the units and whether there is also a need to update their codes. Those impacted by the Shearing and Wool Project are marked with an asterisk*.

We are aware that some of these qualifications have recently been updated, and any update made to their elective unit codes may require another qualification code change (as per policy requirements). While another code change may not be ideal, the updated qualification will be more current. Stakeholders were encouraged to provide advice via email about the proposed code changes to the units under review, which are also within these qualifications.

AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture
AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture*
AHC21722 Certificate II in Permaculture
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture*
AHC30624 Certificate III in Production Horticulture
AHC30722 Certificate III in Horticulture
AHC31124 Certificate III in Nursery Operations
AHC31824 Certificate III in Beekeeping
AHC32724 Certification III in Rural Merchandising
AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations*
AHC33722 Certificate III in Protected Horticulture
AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture*
AHC40224 Certificate IV in Protected Horticulture
AHC42122 Certificate IV in Permaculture
AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture*
AHC50324 Diploma of Production Horticulture
AHC50524 Diploma of Arboriculture
AHC51920 Diploma of Applied Agronomy
AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management
AHC60524 Advanced Diploma of Arboriculture

These skill sets include units that are under review as part of this project or units that have been updated in previous projects. The degree to which these skill sets are impacted will depend on the feedback received on the units and whether there is also a need to update their codes.

Feedback was collected via email.

AHCSS00068 Production Horticulture Technology Skill Set
AHCSS00150 Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set
AHCSS00151 Pork Industry Stockperson Skill Set
AHCSS00152 Poultry Farm Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00153 Poultry Breeding Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00155 Poultry Services Provider Skill Set
AHCSS00156 Poultry Hatchery Technician Skill Set
AHCSS00183 Firearms Skill Set

These units have been removed from all qualifications within the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package as part of project work over the past few years. It follows feedback that they no longer align with the current skill requirements of industry. These units will be officially removed from the AHC Training Package and will be marked as deleted on the National Training Register.

AHCAIS301 Collect semen
AHCAIS302 Process and store semen
Feedback out of the Animal Reproduction Project advised that these artificial insemination skills can be provided by specialist services as required.
AHCMKH401 Carry out cleaning-time tests of milking machines
AHCMKH402 Design and fabricate milking equipment installations
AHCMKH403 Design and install enterprise milk cooling and storage
AHCMKH404 Install milking equipment
AHCMKH405 Performance test milking machines
Identified for deletion as part of the Dairy & Milk Harvesting Project as they have not been delivered by registered training organisations since they were created and they do not align with the job role within the AHC30221 Certificate III in Dairy Production.
AHCPGD205 Prepare a grave siteIndustry feedback as part of the Parks & Gardens Project was that it is not suitable/applicable to the parks and gardens industry. There is a more suitable qualification on offer as part of the SIF Funeral Services Training Package – SIF30213 Certificate III in Gravedigging, Grounds and Maintenance.

A draft copy of the livestock section of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide which includes details of the proposed changes to qualification and units of competency was also available for review and comment.

Summary of consultation to date

Thank you to those stakeholders who provided feedback on the drafts that were made available from 3 May to 5 June 2024, under the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, national face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars, and via phone calls and emails. Following this round of feedback, further input was collected on two new units, related to handling stock horses safely and branding livestock. Feedback on the two new units, other related units and the qualification was collected between 20 June and 18 July 2024.

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and units were drafted in consultation with the Technical Committee and with small groups of industry and training experts in a series of targeted workshops. Individuals working directly in feedlot operations, general livestock operations, registered training organisations and a representative from a skills council participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Seven site visits were undertaken to observe job roles in a variety of workplaces. Thank you to those who welcomed the project team to their property and provided feedback during these activities.

This project has reviewed the Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and 70 units of competency that support the skills of the livestock industry. Through extensive industry consultation, the qualification and units have been updated to align with current technology and practices so that learners are equipped with the skills required to work safely and effectively with and around livestock. 

During finalisation the final draft units of competency and qualification undergo proofreading, anti-discrimination assessment and quality checks. They are reviewed to ensure they are of high quality and comply with the Standards for Training Packages 2022, the Training Package Products Policy and the Training Package Products Development and Endorsement Process Policy. This process ensures that any barriers to training have been identified, acknowledged, addressed and reduced as far as possible, to enable people to gain the skills required to participate in the workforce and society.

Once these checks have been completed, the training products and Consultation Log will be sent to the Senior Responsible Officers for their consideration and to seek their support for submission to the Assurance Body.

The AHC Companion Volume Implementation Guide is also being produced to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the units, qualifications and skill sets. It will contain key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.

Proposed changes

The use of feedlots in various forms around Australia is becoming more common, ranging from 100% feedlot to fully hybrid properties to properties who use simple feedlots to finish stock immediately before market. Prior to this project, the only qualification relating to feedlots was specifically aimed at beef feedlots. The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations has been revised to refer to ‘feedlot operations’ rather than ‘beef cattle feedlot operations’, to allow for broader application of the qualification. The list of job roles has been updated to better suit those roles currently undertaken on feedlots. Biosecurity, environmental sustainability and animal welfare are essential skill areas for work in the sector and are now included as part of the core of this qualification.

“Wow, I didn’t even know a feedlot qualification existed, this will be fantastic for us.” Fiona McGorman, Owner, Thornby Farm, Sanderston, SA.

Seventy units were revised to reflect feedback received:

  • All units have had minor edits to the Performance Criteria (PC) and Knowledge Evidence (KE).
  • Details around volume and frequency of tasks have been added or adjusted in the Performance Evidence of all units.
  • Some units have had minor changes to their application statement.
  • Foundation skills have been added to units where it was missing, otherwise foundation skills across the units have received minor edits.
  • Good stock handling techniques has been included in several units of competency, and described in the CVIG.
  • An addition has been made to the Assessment Conditions of all units that require individuals to work with live animals: Assessment of this unit must be conducted on live animals.
  • An addition has been made to the Assessment Conditions of AHCLSK346 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock to say: Assessment of this unit must be conducted on livestock carcasses.
  • Seven units have had title changes. The new titles are:
  • AHCBUS302 Use portable technology in the workplace
  • AHCLSK344 Administer treatments to livestock
  • AHCLSK352 Implement feeding plans for intensive livestock production
  • AHCLSK355 Prepare and present livestock for competition
  • AHCLSK356 Exhibit livestock
  • AHCLSK403 Develop feeding plans for an intensive livestock productions system
  • AHCLSK423 Develop feeding plans for livestock
  • Two units have been merged into one new unit:
  • AHCLSK103 Support livestock work
  • Eight units have been deemed not equivalent. This will be relevant for RTOs and future learners.
  • AHCBUS302 Use portable technology in the workplace
  • AHCHYD303 Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems
  • AHCHYD502 Develop a plan for a hydroponic system
  • AHCLSK346 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock
  • AHCLKS350 Identify and draft livestock
  • AHCLSK359 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
  • AHCLSK361 Transport farm produce or bulk materials
  • AHCLSK372 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work
  • The following two units have been updated to include references to NHVR CoR responsibilities and Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock requirements relevant to the transportation of livestock:
  • AHCLSK359 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
  • AHCLSK361 Transport farm produce or bulk materials.

Two new units of competency have been created:

  • AHCLSK236 Handle horses safely for stock work
  • AHCLSK237 Brand livestock

The components within this project had not been fully updated since 2011 and have now been updated to satisfy the Standards for Training Packages 2022.

Summary of Consultation

Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and expertise throughout this project. At the start of the project, a technical committee consisting of 10 individuals, with at least one representative from each state and territory was established. The technical committee included RTOs, peak body representatives and employers and provided input and guidance throughout the project.

Stakeholder feedback was received on the draft documents made available on this webpage at two stages, during the ‘broad consultation’ stage from 3 May to 5 June 2024 and additional units between 20 June to 18 July 2024 and again at the ‘consensus gathering’ stage from 9 to 26 August 2024. Feedback was encouraged and collected via site visits, national face-to-face consultations workshops and webinars, via phone calls and emails and the website feedback hub.

The Certificate III in Feedlot Operations and units were drafted in consultation with the technical committee and with small groups of industry and training experts in a series of targeted workshops. Individuals working directly in feedlot operations, general livestock operations, registered training organisations and a representative from a skills council participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Eight site visits were undertaken to observe job roles in a variety of workplaces. Thank you to those who welcomed the project team to their property and provided feedback during these activities.

There are another 21 qualifications and 8 skill sets have been impacted by the changes made to units of competency in this project and/or the Shearing and Wool Classing project. These are listed in the accordions below.


  • 8 site visits
  • 36 meetings took place: 11 face-to-face and 2 online
  • 11 technical committee meetings including 2 full day face-to-face workshops
  • 112 of 179 informed stakeholders engaged in the review and development of training package components

It was a great session today, and it is great to see so many great minds working on these projects to make them the best they can be. We are very appreciative with you guys hearing us with those new units and are stoked that they are popular.

Georgia Anderson, VET Lecturer / Workplace Assessor, Agriculture & Rural Operations, CDU Katherine Rural Campus.

All feedback has been recorded and responded to in the Skills Insight database. Below you can view a summary of feedback from the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage and how it has been considered and addressed. A summary of feedback and responses for the ‘Consensus Gathering’ stage will be available soon.

Documents being prepared for submission

AHC33324 Certificate III in Feedlot Operations

AHCBAC318 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock production
AHCBUS302 Use portable technology in the workplace
AHCHYD303 Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems
AHCHYD304 Install hydroponic systems
AHCHYD502 Develop a plan for a hydroponic system
AHCNRM513 Manipulate and analyse data within geographic information systems
AHCWRK606 Monitor projects in a program
Units of competency – AHCLSK
AHCLSK103 Support livestock work
AHCLSK221 Assist with feeding in a production system
AHCLSK222 Care for health and welfare of livestock
AHCLSK223 Carry out regular livestock observation
AHCLSK224 Handle livestock using basic techniques
AHCLSK225 Identify and mark livestock
AHCLSK226 Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK227 Monitor water supplies
AHCLSK228 Muster and move livestock
AHCLSK229 Provide feed for livestock
AHCLSK230 Clean out production sheds
AHCLSK231 Maintain production growing environments
AHCLSK232 Carry out alpaca handling and husbandry operations
AHCLSK233 Clean and maintain livestock pens
AHCLSK234 Apply animal welfare principles to handling and husbandry of livestock
AHCLSK235 Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work
AHCLSK236 Handle horses safely for stock work
AHCLSK237 Brand livestock
AHCLSK340 Mate and monitor reproduction of alpacas
AHCLSK344 Administer treatments to livestock
AHCLSK345 Carry out feedlot operations
AHCLSK346 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock
AHCLSK347 Maintain livestock water supplies
AHCLSK348 Coordinate and monitor production performance
AHCLSK349 Euthanase livestock
AHCLSK350 Identify and draft livestock
AHCLSK351 Implement animal health control programs
AHCLSK352 Implement feeding plans for intensive livestock production
AHCLSK353 Implement feeding plans for livestock
AHCLSK354 Monitor livestock production growing environments
AHCLSK355 Prepare and present livestock for competition
AHCLSK356 Exhibit livestock
AHCLSK357 Rear newborn and young livestock
AHCLSK358 Slaughter livestock
AHCLSK359 Coordinate and monitor livestock transport
AHCLSK360 Service and repair bores and windmills
AHCLSK361 Transport farm produce or bulk materials
AHCLSK362 Maintain and monitor feed stocks
AHCLSK363 Care for and train working dogs
AHCLSK364 Castrate livestock
AHCLSK365 Mix and mill standard stockfeed
AHCLSK366 Collect, store and administer colostrum
AHCLSK367 Remove and facilitate reuse of effluent and manure from an intensive production system
AHCLSK368 Comply with industry animal welfare requirements
AHCLSK369 Monitor animals in intensive production systems
AHCLSK370 Monitor pen condition and ration suitability
AHCLSK371 Plan, prepare and conduct mulesing procedures
AHCLSK372 Train, care for and ride horses for stock work
AHCLSK403 Develop feeding plans for an intensive livestock production system
AHCLSK423 Develop feeding plans for livestock
AHCLSK424 Implement and monitor animal welfare programs
AHCLSK425 Implement intensive production systems
AHCLSK426 Oversee animal marking operations
AHCLSK427 Plan and monitor intensive production systems
AHCLSK428 Supervise animal health programs
AHCLSK429 Supervise feedlot operations
AHCLSK430 Arrange livestock purchases
AHCLSK431 Design livestock handling facilities
AHCLSK432 Arrange transport for farm produce or livestock
AHCLSK433 Escort livestock during export
AHCLSK434 Manage horses for stock work
AHCLSK511 Manage livestock production
AHCLSK512 Arrange marketing of livestock
AHCLSK513 Develop livestock health and welfare strategies
AHCLSK514 Design livestock effluent systems

The qualifications listed below are impacted by the units reviewed in this project and the Shearing and Wool Classing project. These qualifications will undergo a minor update to reflect the updated units of competency. Any changes outside of a minor update will be recorded to help inform future projects which will be included in our Workforce Plans. Those impacted by the Shearing and Wool Project are marked with an asterisk*.

Impacted Qualifications (minor updates)
AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture
AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture *
AHC21722 Certificate II in Permaculture
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture *
AHC30624 Certificate III in Production Horticulture
AHC30722 Certificate III in Horticulture
AHC31124 Certificate III in Nursery Operations
AHC31824 Certificate III in Beekeeping
AHC32724 Certification III in Rural Merchandising
AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations *
AHC33722 Certificate III in Protected Horticulture
AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture *
AHC40224 Certificate IV in Protected Horticulture
AHC41024 Certificate IV in Agribusiness*
AHC42122 Certificate IV in Permaculture
AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture *
AHC50324 Diploma of Production Horticulture
AHC50524 Diploma of Arboriculture
AHC51920 Diploma of Applied Agronomy
AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management
AHC60524 Advanced Diploma of Arboriculture

The skill sets listed below were impacted by the units reviewed in this project and the Shearing and Wool Classing project and have been updated as a result.

Skill Set Code & TitleIncludes unit deemed not equivalent (NE)
AHCSS00151 Pork Industry Stockperson Skill SetAll equivalent units
AHCSS00155 Poultry Services Provider Skill SetAll equivalent units
AHCSS00156 Poultry Hatchery Technician Skill SetAll equivalent units
AHCSS00183 Firearms Skill SetAll equivalent units
AHCSS00193 Production Horticulture Technology Skill SetAHCBUS302 Use portable technology in the workplace
AHCSS00194 Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill SetAHCLSK346 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock
AHCSS00195 Poultry Farm Technician Skill SetAHCLSK346 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock
AHCSS00196 Poultry Breeding Technician Skill SetAHCLSK346 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock

A copy of the livestock section of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide which includes details of the changes to qualification and units of competency will be available here soon.

Companion Volume
Implementation Guide coming soon

Project background

As the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management (AHC) industry adapts to technological advancements, shifting markets, and environmental concerns, it is important that the AHC training package can be updated holistically and on a regular basis.  

Given the many unique and interrelated skills across the industry, a strategic approach is being undertaken to identify and review units by their sector classification rather than their listing in qualifications. 

Following a staged process, the Unit Sector approach allows us to: 

  • review the entire training package within a limited number of years 
  • make better use of expert’s time when volunteering their expertise 
  • make it easier to identify duplication of content and missing skills and improve the ability of units to describe job functions that are required across multiple qualifications 
  • provide further opportunities to identify units that are misaligned with their defined AQF level, improving the quality of AHC units specifically and the training package generally. 

2024 Projects as part of the Unit Sector Approach 

There are two projects taking place in 2024, as part of this work. Each will be undertaken separately but run concurrently, allowing for a more targeted consultation while ensuring that the projects can simultaneously review and address any overlaps between them.  

The Livestock Operations Project will also update LSK units that are core in the Shearing and Wool qualifications. 

A project to analyse the how the AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations is being used is also underway concurrently with these projects.