Demonstrating safe technique on a real tree is an essential part of completing training in manual tree felling. However, sourcing appropriate trees can be challenging for most registered training organisations (RTOs), creating a barrier to training skills that are crucial across a wide range of industries, including development, construction, landscaping, parks and gardens and forestry.
Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.
Skills Insight and ForestWorks are undertaking this project to develop a mechanism for sourcing trees for delivery of the tree felling units. In consultation with stakeholders, we will investigate ways to establish partnerships between RTOs and organisations that can facilitate access to trees, such as forestry companies, councils, landowners, national parks services and other relevant stakeholders.
Our team will consult to understand existing partnerships, practices and regulations relating to tree allocation, as well as the challenges associated with each. From here, we will develop protocols and guidelines to support partnerships for identifying, allocating, and managing trees for training purposes, which will be tested with a small selection of RTOs and stakeholders. Implementation support materials and a virtual workshop will be developed to help roll out the protocol to a broader cohort of stakeholders. Our team will follow up with participants to assess the effectiveness of the protocol and produce a report outlining these findings.
The project aims to support continued delivery of the tree felling units, so that all workers are equipped with the skills to safely fell trees using a chainsaw.
Opportunities to contribute will be available throughout the project via this website.
Further details about the project team and timeline will be available soon.
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Project Background
This project follows the 2023-24 Tree Felling Project, which updated the units for basic, intermediate and advanced tree felling skills. A key finding of the project was the need for additional support to help RTOs access trees for training and assessment. Another project is also underway to investigate potential pathways into the tree felling units to ensure learners have the appropriate skills prior to enrolment. See the Pathway to Tree Felling Skills Project for more information.
This stage has not yet commenced.
During the development stage, key stakeholders, including subject matter experts, are engaged and consulted to gather further information and begin investigating potential solutions.
This stage has not yet commenced.
At the broad consultation stage, we present and discuss potential solutions, collecting feedback from a wide range of stakeholder across the country. It follows consultation with various stakeholders that has already taken place throughout the project.
This stage has not yet commenced.
As part of consensus gathering, we check our work with stakeholders to confirm that solutions are in line with expectations.
This stage has not yet commenced.
At the finalisation stage, final checks are conducted and the outcomes of the project are submitted to the Department for consideration. Following this, outcomes are published or enacted.

This Skills Insight JSC project is being managed with the support of ForestWorks as part of their collaborative partnership with Skills Insight. ForestWorks has an enduring and strong connection working with the forestry, timber, paper, fibre and furnishing industries and have been engaged by Skills Insight to deliver this project in partnership.