In the veterinary sector, there is a growing demand for broader skills to provide essential care and treatment to animals across diverse environments and species. It is important that nationally endorsed veterinary nursing qualifications and related training package products align with the full range of different contexts and job tasks required.

Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.

Skills Insight is consulting with the veterinary sector to understand their workforce challenges and identify how nationally endorsed training package products for veterinary nursing skills may be adapted.

The project begins with a skills review to analyse current and future practices in veterinary nursing across a variety of animal species and contexts. Opportunities and challenges identified will inform recommendations about the next step, which involves the review and development of training package products.

The second part of this project will commence in August 2025 to take advantage as the new training package product flexibility that comes into effect in July 2025. The new approach to developing training package products will be utilised to support veterinary nursing career pathways and assist in addressing retention rates and skills shortages.

Part 1: Skills Review

The skills review will include veterinary nurses, veterinarians, employers, unions, associations, registered training organisations and other stakeholders to help analyse veterinary nursing functions and responsibilities.

The skills review will result in a report that will include key findings, a series of recommendations for future work to address the identified issues, and recommended adjustments to the relevant training package products in line with the new qualification design approach identified in VET Qualification Reform

Part 2: Training package product review

Current qualifications, units and companion volumes will be reviewed to determine how the training package can evolve to better meet any skills needs identified in the Skills Review.

Current training package products

ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work 
ACMMIC401 Implant microchip in cats and dogs 
ACMSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices 
ACMVET202 Carry out daily practice routines 
ACMVET401 Coordinate veterinary reception duties 
ACMVET402 Apply imaging routines 
ACMVET403 Perform clinical pathology procedures 
ACMVET404 Perform practice office procedures 
ACMVET405 Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines 
ACMVET406 Nurse animals 
ACMVET407 Carry out medical nursing routines 
ACMVET408 Provide nutritional advice and support for animals 
ACMVET409 Provide specific animal care advice 
ACMVET410 Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures 
ACMVET411 Prepare, deliver and review animal care education programs 
ACMVET412 Coordinate practice promotional activities 
ACMVET413 Prepare for anaesthesia and monitor animal anaesthesia and analgesia  
ACMVET414* Nurse foals 
ACMVET415* Provide intensive foal care and nursing 
ACMVET416 Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons 
ACMVET501 Manage nursing requirements for specialised surgical procedures 
ACMVET502 Carry out post-operative nursing routines 
ACMVET503 Produce veterinary dental oral cavity images 
ACMVET504 Provide veterinary dental nursing support for advanced veterinary dental surgery 
ACMVET505 Prepare for veterinary emergency response 
ACMVET506 Perform emergency procedures to sustain life 
ACMVET507 Provide nursing support for critical care surgery 
ACMVET508 Support veterinary practice communication and professional development 
ACMVET509 Manage veterinary nursing procedures 
ACMVET510 Apply veterinary nursing pathophysiology 
ACMVET511 Apply principles of animal behaviour 
ACMVET512 Develop and implement specific practice policies 
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes 
ACMWHS501 Manage workplace health and safety processes 

Through stakeholder collaboration, the project team aim to: 

  • Improve how veterinary nursing skills requirements are reflected in training package products.
  • Ensure qualifications, units and skill sets are compliant to the new policies and accurately describe workplace requirements.
  • Improve implementation guidance for trainers and assessors on strategies for delivery and assessment of the training package products.
  • Investigate under-utilised training package products to update or delete depending on relevance.
  • Reduce duplication, remove obsolete training package products and consolidate units of competency where shared skills can be suitably merged. 

Key stakeholder organisations have been identified for this project. Skills Insight will ensure contact is made throughout this project to seek involvement and views on skills requirements.

If you are aware of an organisation or other key stakeholders that you think should be involved, please contact the project team at [email protected]


Project Team

Jess headshot

Jess Cleary

Stakeholder Engagement Manager
Skills Insight 
[email protected] 

Susie Falk 

Project Manager
Skills insight 
[email protected]  

Penny headshot

Penny McQueen 

Project Manager
Skills Insight 
[email protected]  

Maree Thorne  

Industry Skills Standards Contractor 

This stage has not yet commenced.

During the development stage, key stakeholders, including subject matter experts, are engaged and consulted to gather further information and begin investigating potential solutions.

This stage has not yet commenced.

At the broad consultation stage, we present and discuss potential solutions, collecting feedback from a wide range of stakeholder across the country. It follows consultation with various stakeholders that has already taken place throughout the project.

This stage has not yet commenced.

At the finalisation stage, final checks are conducted and the outcomes of the project are submitted to the Department for consideration. Following this, outcomes are published or enacted.