Our work is focussed on supporting a wide range of industries including agribusiness, animal care, timber, furnishing and fibre industries to lead the development and improvement of their national vocational skills and training needs. The VET sector is intrinsically linked to jobs and productivity. It supports Australian industry to be globally competitive. Industry leadership of the VET sector is vital.

Collaboration is the cornerstone to all our activities. We are guided by a comprehensive arrangement of stakeholder networks, and a membership who also contribute to a Stakeholder Forum.

We value input from all stakeholders

Expertise gathered from our networks will inform the insights and advice that will be shared with key decision makers, including governments, Jobs and Skills Australia, and State and Territory Training Authorities. Most importantly, your contribution will support the skills advancement of a group of industries that are crucial to Australia’s communities, ecosystems and prosperity.

Opportunities for Active Participation in the Jobs & Skills Council

All Stakeholders

All stakeholders are welcome to contribute and share their expertise on skills and VET related issues through various channels. We welcome your input on current projects, where you can participate in working group and subject matter expert meetings, public consultations and validation workshops, and provide feedback on potential solutions. You can also contribute to research and workforce planning and help shape future project submissions. For those that want to provide their governance skills to the JSC, there is also the option to apply for organisational Membership.

Stakeholder Networks

The Stakeholder Networks are made up of as many as 200 industry and association members. Network Members review Stakeholder Forum papers and provide advice to a representative of the Stakeholder Forum prior to decision-taking by the Jobs and Skills Council. Each network nominates a representative and a proxy for the Stakeholder Forum.
Thirteen of these stakeholder networks are industry sector specific:

Up to ten of the Stakeholder Networks will leverage the existing networks of large employee or employer representative bodies and/or organisations with extensive cross-sectoral coverage. They will provide leadership and expertise across aspects of the work of the Jobs and Skills Council that is common across all sectors, including: business leadership and management; workforce leadership; Indigenous partnerships and enterprises; ecosystem, biosecurity and climate leadership; and regional, rural and remote operations.

Stakeholder Forum

The Stakeholder Forum is a key governance body. Alongside the Skills Insight Board, CEO and management team, representatives prioritise, oversee and provide advice on the areas of JSC operation under the grant agreement. It is made up of 23 representatives from the Stakeholder Networks, from organisations eligible for Industry Membership. Thirteen representatives are nominated by the sector specific Stakeholder Networks. Ten representatives will be from large employee or employer representative bodies and/or organisations with large cross-sectoral coverage. Members on the Stakeholder Forum may have expertise in one or more sector, skills areas or matters of importance, such as respect for Country and climate change. Together, they represent all industry sectors Skills Insight supports.

Next meetings:

RepresentativeIndustry / Key OrganisationProxy
Rebecca Coventry
Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia
Animal Care & ManagementJulie Fiedler
Animal Emergency Incident Management
Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association
Aquaculture & Wild CatchPeter Chessman
Kathy Rankin
NSW Farmers
Broadacre CroppingPaul Sloman
Cotton Australia
Jenifer Ford
Australian Association of Bush Regenerators Inc
Ecosystem Management, Conservation & LandscapingCraig Hallam
Gayle Quin
Timberlands Pacific
Forest Management & HarvestingTim Lester
Australian Forest Contractors Association
Melissa Baker
Australian Glass and Window Association
Furnishing & Other ManufacturingRachel Driessen
G James
Virginia Solomon
Permaculture Australia
HorticultureRichard Shannon
NFF Horticulture Council
Angela Bradburn
Australian Pork Limited
Livestock FarmingMark Grave
Australian Wool Exchange Limited
Mary Wu
Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc.
Meat, Poultry & Seafood ProcessingCheyenne Slaats
Neil Louwrens
Pulp, Paper & HygieneAdrian Berton
Sharyn Lancaster
Racing and Wagering WA
Racing and BreedingMaurice Logue
Harness Racing NSW
Edwina Walsh
Assembled Threads
Textiles, Clothing & FootwearCatherine Cluning
Drycleaning Institute of Australia
Alicia Langfield
National Timber & Hardware Association
Timber and Wood ProcessingKersten Gentle
Frame and Truss Manufacturers Association
Jimmy Cottrell-DormerAustralasian Meat Industry Employees UnionTBC
Lyle WardAustralian Meat Industry CouncilCheryl Wolens
Veronica PapacostaSeafood Industry AustraliaJulie Petty
Amanda BellAustralian Forest Products AssociationClark Rodger
Jonathan CookAustralian Workers’ UnionTBC
TBCManufacturing Division (CFMEU)TBC
Ben RogersNational Farmers FederationTBC
Paul ErikssonRacing AustraliaKaren Day


Membership is categorised as either Industry Members or Associate Members. Membership is free and is made up of organisations who are committed to the vision, mission values and objects of Skills Insight and the Jobs and Skills Council program. Members have the opportunity to participate in the stakeholder networks.

If you would like to be involved in finding potential solutions to national skills and training challenges, we encourage you to become a Skills Insight member.

For further information about membership, read the Membership section of our Governance page or contact us