The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). This system describes and categorises occupations within Australia and New Zealand and is used in the census to collect data about the workforce.

Occupations are being reviewed by focus area, with the current round featuring occupations in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishing, aquaculture, meat processing, racing and breeding, animal care and management, furnishing, textiles, clothing and footwear.

The ABS are seeking feedback on the accuracy of occupation skill levels and descriptions and any occupations anticipated to emerge or decline in the next 5 to 10 years.

We want to support your input into the review so that the skill level and description of occupations within your industry are accurately reflected in the ANZSCO. This will promote fair and useful allocation of government supports that use data from the census to inform decision making. 

We encourage your input

You are welcome to provide input either directly through the ABS website by 5 December or by contributing to a submission being prepared by Skills Insight by 20 November.

Our submission will be based on industry consultation and the way the Australian Qualifications Framework interacts with ANZSCO classifications.

To contribute, get in touch at [email protected]  or 03 9321 3526. 

Read more about ANZSCO on our website

Register for an info session

We understand that your time is valuable and familiarising yourself with a system like ANZSCO can be challenging. To help our stakeholders have their say on this round of the ANZSCO review, Skills Insight is hosting an online information session with input from the ABS.

The ABS will present about the ANZSCO, how it relates to you and how to provide feedback. Skills Insight will also outline some of our observations relating to occupations being reviewed in this round. There will be a Q&A section at the end of the session for stakeholders to ask questions of both Skills Insight and the ABS.

9 November 2023
