Skills Insight is grateful to the more than 100 stakeholders around the country who engaged with us about the latest round of feedback on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). We are also appreciative of the support provided by the ABS team to help our stakeholders better understand the ANZSCO.

During the eight weeks of consultation, stakeholders connected with us through email, phone calls and a webinar. We have collated this feedback into a submission which was provided to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and is available on our website to view. We also understand stakeholders have made their own submissions directly to the ABS.

Through your passion and commitment, the ABS now has a wealth of information that should be able to inform potential improvements to the ANZSCO.

For more information and to read our submission, visit our ANZSCO webpage

  • The outcomes of Round 2 consultations are due to be published by the ABS in late 2023, with the outcomes from Round 3 available in 2024.
  • In mid 2024, the ABS will seek feedback on the complete set of proposed changes out of all three rounds of the review process. Skills Insight will support our stakeholders to provide input on this round and prepare a submission.
  • The updated classifications will be finalised and published by ABS in late 2024 and used in the Census 2026.

Our ANZSCO webpage will be updated and newsletters sent out as more information becomes available from the ABS.