The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), a system that describes and categorises occupations within Australia and New Zealand.

Round three of a series of consultations to update the ANZSCO will be taking place from 10 Oct–5 Dec 2023. This round features many occupations relating to the industries Skills Insight works with, including key occupations in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishing, aquaculture, meat processing, racing and breeding, animal care and management, furnishing, textiles, clothing and footwear.

What is ANZSCO and why does it matter?

The ANZSCO is a classification system for occupations, designed to enable insights into what’s happening in the workforce.

The ABS identifies occupations across the labour market, which are assigned a title, description and skill level. These occupations are then included in the census to collect information about the workforce.

All levels of government in Australia use occupations identified in the census to inform decisions about industry support, workforce strategies, tax breaks, apprenticeships and traineeships, skilled migration lists and more.

Therefore, recognition in the ANZSCO and an accurate description are essential for an occupation to access government support.

Stakeholders can provide feedback on the ANZSCO concerning incorrectly described occupations, inappropriate skill levels, and occupations that are not yet classified (new or emerging).

As a Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) Skills Insight is invested in improving workforce, skills and training outcomes for the agribusiness, fibre and furnishing industries. We want to support your input into the review of the ANZSCO so that it accurately reflects your workforce and enables solutions to workforce challenges.

We encourage your input

You are welcome to provide input on round three of the ANZSCO review either directly through the ABS website or by contributing to a submission being prepared by Skills Insight.

Our submission will be based on industry consultation and the way the qualifications framework interacts with ANZSCO classifications.

To contribute, get in touch at [email protected]  or 03 9321 3526 by COB Monday 20 November.

Thank you!

We are grateful to the stakeholders who have contributed to the last two rounds of ABS ANZSCO review survey submissions made by Skills Insight on behalf of the industries we service. Thank you for volunteering your time and expertise!