Wool is a versatile resource, valued for its natural, durable, flexible, fire-resistant and biodegradable properties. Shearers, wool handlers and wool classers are experts in skillfully removing wool fleece and ensuring it is classed by its quality and fibre characteristics. The skills and collaboration of these roles ensure the production of high-quality wool that meets industry standards and maintains Australia’s reputation as a high-quality producer of wool.  

Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.

It is important that the national qualifications that support shearers, handlers, and classers reflect current skill needs. The proper shearing, handling, sorting, and classification of wool contributes to its value and suitability for various products. Shearers, wool handlers, and classers require unique skills, such as the ability to work quickly and consistently while maintaining the quality of the wool. They must also remain current with animal behaviour and handling techniques and maintaining safe work practices.  

Ongoing research continues to drive innovations for new uses and products out of the wool industry. Advancements in technology have brought about innovations in shearing handpieces, mechanical systems, infrastructure improvements and digitisation, particularly in the area of supply chain traceability These new technologies are also broadening the range of skills required by shearers, wool handlers and wool classers.  

The future workplace must align with sector demands around compliance and technological processes and respond to the growing need for more information about the origin of products. 

The shearing and wool project is being undertaken as part of a broader project to review the entirety of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. 

Project Scope and Purpose

This project will review six qualifications and 34 units of competency that support the skills of Shearers, Wool Handlers and Wool Classers so that they reflect current work methods and skill needs. The review will focus on technological advances, work health and safety, animal behaviour and handling techniques within the sector. 

This project will also address any duplication issues across units, by deleting or merging unused or non-current units that are not relevant to industry.  

Qualifications and units of competency to be reviewed

Below is a list of the qualifications and units of competency that will be reviewed. We welcome any initial feedback you have which will help us in the review and development process, in particular, any feedback you have about: 

  • Units that have no enrolment data or low enrolments, as shown in the unit of competency table below, from RTOs or any other users 
  • Qualifications that are impacted by this project, as shown in the unit of competency table below: 
  • AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture 
  • AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture 
  • AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture 
  • AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations 
  • AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture 
  • AHC41019 Certificate IV in Agribusiness   
  • AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture

Please note that some core units within the qualifications have been superseded by newer versions. These are outlined in the notes column.  This project will work with stakeholders to determine which units are best placed in the core.  


Project Team

Andrew headshot

Andrew Horgan

Project Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Skills Insight
[email protected]

Penny headshot

Penny McQueen

Project Manager, Skills Insight
[email protected]

Anna Henderson

Industry Skills Standards Contractor

CodeTitleNotes (core units within this qualification are superseded)
AHC21316 Certificate II in Shearing AHCWHS201 is superseded by AHCWHS202 
AHCWRK204 is superseded by AHCWRK212 
AHCWRK209 is superseded by AHCWRK211 
AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool Handling AHCWHS201 is superseded by AHCWHS202 
AHCWRK202 is superseded by AHCWRK211 
AHCWRK204 is superseded by AHCWRK212 
AHC32916 Certificate III in Shearing AHCWHS301 is superseded by AHCWHS302 
AHCWRK305 is superseded by AHCWRK317 
AHC33016 Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation AHCWRK306 is superseded by AHCWRK318 
AHC33116 Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling AHCWHS301 is superseded by AHCWHS302 
AHCWRK306 is superseded by AHCWRK318 
AHC41316 Certificate IV in Wool Classing AHCWRK401 is superseded by AHCWRK404 
AHCWHS401 is superseded by AHCWHS402 
AHCSHG201 Crutch sheep 
AHCSHG202 Assist in preparing for shearing and crutching 
AHCSHG203 Shear sheep to novice level 
AHCSHG204 Shear sheep to improver level 
AHCSHG205 Grind combs and cutters for machine shearing 
AHCSHG206 Prepare handpiece and downtube for machine shearing 
AHCSHG210 Undertake basic shearing and crutching 
AHCSHG301 Prepare livestock for shearing This unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture.  
AHCSHG302 Prepare combs and cutters for machine shearing In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHCSHG303 Maintain and service shearing handpieces 
AHCSHG304 Shear sheep to professional level 
AHCSHG305 Maintain consistent shearing performance 
AHCSHG306 Carry out post-shearing procedures Data shows that this unit has low enrolments. Please contact us if you have feedback about the content or delivery of this unit. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHCSHG402 Conduct equipment experting for machine shearing No enrolment data is available for this unit. Please contact us if you have feedback about the content or delivery of this unit. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture. 
AHCSHG405 Arrange employment for shearing operations No enrolment data is available for this unit. Please contact us if you have feedback about the content or delivery of this unit. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture 
AHCSHG407 Prepare shearing team wages No enrolment data is available for this unit. Please contact us if you have feedback about the content or delivery of this unit. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC41019 Certificate IV in Agribusiness  
AHCWOL101 Support woolshed activities Data shows that this unit has low enrolments. Please contact us if you have feedback about the content or delivery of this unit. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture 
AHCWOL201 Pen sheep In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
AHCWOL202 Perform board duties In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
AHCWOL203 Carry out wool pressing In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
AHCWOL301 Appraise wool using industry descriptions 
AHCWOL303 Prepare wool based on its characteristics 
AHCWOL304 Prepare fleece wool for classing In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture 
AHCWOL305 Prepare skirtings and oddments 
AHCWOL306 Supervise clip preparation 
AHCWOL307 Document a wool clip 
AHCWOL308 Prepare facilities for shearing and crutching In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture 
This unit is also an elective in AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations 
AHCWOL310 Press wool for a clip In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHCWOL311 Perform shed duties In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHCWOL401 Determine wool classing strategies In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture.
AHCWOL402 Use individual fleece measurements to prepare wool for sale Data shows that this unit has low enrolments. Please contact us if you have feedback about the content or delivery of this unit. 
This unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture. 
AHCWOL403 Plan, implement and review wool harvesting and clip preparation In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture.
AHCWOL404 Establish work routines and manage wool harvesting and preparation staff In addition to the qualifications under review (above), this unit is also an elective in AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture.
AHCWOL405Class fleece wool 

Opportunities for stakeholder input

A list of key stakeholder organisations has been created for this project, which Skills Insight will contact to seek involvement and views on the draft qualifications, skill sets and units. However, consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list. This list simply helps us to identify those organisations that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project. You can view the list in the Consultation Strategy. If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team.  

For updates and consultation opportunities, please subscribe to news and updates.

Alternatively, please feel free to contact the project manager, Penny McQueen on 03 9321 3526 or [email protected] 

This project is part of the Annual Training Product Development Plan.

National qualifications are being reviewed to align with the evolving skill needs of shearers, wool handlers, and wool classers to support the quality and maximise the value of wool and fibre for various products. It is important that current and emerging technology and compliance requirements are reflected in the national qualifications for this work, as well as the essential skills related to animal behaviour and handling and maintaining safe work practices. 

The project Technical Committee is reviewing the qualifications and providing advice on the structure and requirements. While six qualifications and 34 units have been identified for review in this project, the Technical Committee has identified opportunities to develop a new wool harvesting skill set to support introduction to the shearing and wool sector. They have also identified the need to incorporate the skills associated for working with traceability and integrity schemes and to strengthen health and wellbeing in existing units of competency. 

Development Outcomes and Next Steps

The draft qualifications, skill sets and units will be made available on this webpage for broad stakeholder consultation and feedback in May 2024. 

Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback. 

Components identified for possible deletion 

The Technical Committee is particularly interested in hearing feedback on a qualification and units identified for possible deletion, as they may no longer align with the current skill requirements of industry. Feedback on existing or potential use of the qualification and units is welcome. 

If you would like to comment, please contact: 

Penny headshot

Penny McQueen

Project Manager, Skills Insight 
[email protected]

Register for a Consultation Workshop

In-person Sessions

Online sessions

Consultation so far 

Insights from the shearing shed  

As part of our consultation activities, the project team visited a sheep farm in Ballan, Victoria, where they had the privilege to observe shearers, handlers, and wool classers seamlessly coordinating their tasks, from the shearing board to the wool table and finally to the wool press.

The team got to meet with industry stakeholders and experts to help inform what skills need to be incorporated in the revision of qualifications and units of competency. They also got to experience how unique a shearing shed operation is and were able to learn and answer some critical questions relating to the project.

“The good vibes of the music, the buzz of shearing machines, and the well-coordinated activities of the crew in the shed, along with the calmness of the sheep under the shearer’s expertise, have left a lasting impression.

We are incredibly grateful to Technical Committee member Glenn Haynes for organising the visit, the warm welcome from the farmer and the expertise shared from workers and guests.”

Penny McQueen, Project Manager

The qualifications, skill sets, and units of competency for shearers, wool handlers, and wool classers are undergoing a comprehensive review so that they meet current skills needs. It is important that they align with the evolving skill needs of these job roles to maximise the value of wool and fibre for various products.

A project Technical Committee and subject matter experts have been consulted to determine the content of the draft documents.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the drafts available for feedback between 3 May and 30 June 2024 and the two units originally proposed for deletion. Your comments will inform additional updates to the drafts which will be made available for review again during the ‘Consensus Gathering’ stage in August 2024.

Register for an Online ‘Consensus Gathering’ Workshop

The project team are currently preparing the drafts for the ‘Consensus Gathering’ stage, during which online workshops are being held to discuss the most recent changes to the drafts. Register for your preferred session below.

Feedback Collected from 3 May to 30 June

Feedback received through initial consultation raised the need for more ‘life skills’ to be incorporated in qualifications and units, such as budgeting and self-management skills to reflect skills required for the shearing work environment.

The Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation and the Certificate IV in Wool Classing have been revised to align with AWEX wool classer registration standards and support quality standards in the wool sector. All six qualifications have also been revised to improve flexibility in delivery.

Two new skills sets have been drafted to support an introduction to the shearing and wool industry and to provide pathways into the shearing and wool Certificate II qualifications.

One new unit has also been developed for skills related to maintaining one’s own health and wellbeing in the shearing and wool harvesting industry. Thirty units have been revised to remove duplication issues and more accurately reflect the skills and knowledge required for specific job tasks.

For a detailed list of changes, please see the Summary of Changes document.

Click on the accordions below to view the qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. 

QualificationView draft
AHC2XX01 Certificate II in ShearingView draft qualification
AHC2XX02 Certificate II in Wool HandlingView draft qualification
AHC3XX01 Certificate III in ShearingView draft qualification
AHC3XX02 Certificate III in Wool Clip PreparationView draft qualification
AHC3XX03 Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling*View draft qualification
AHC4XX01 Certificate IV in Wool ClassingView draft qualification

*Note: this qualification was proposed for deletion in the early stages of the project due to early indications that it may no longer align with the current skill requirements of industry. However, subsequent feedback has revealed that the qualification is valued, particularly in WA. A revised qualification has been drafted for further feedback. We also encourage you to provide feedback through the survey to indicate your support for deleting the qualification or your recommendation to retain it.

Prefer to email your feedback?
Please contact Penny McQueen, [email protected]
Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format

Skill SetView draft
AHCSSXXX01 Introductory Shearing Skill SetView draft Skill Set
AHCSSXXX02 Introduction to the Shearing and Wool Harvesting Industry Skill SetView draft Skill Set

Prefer to email your feedback?
Please contact Penny McQueen, [email protected]
Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format

This unit of competency has been drafted off the basis of a Victorian accredited unit. It is also proposed to be included as a core unit in the Certificate II in Shearing and Certificate II in Wool Handling.

AHCSHG2X08 Apply self-management  skills to maintain own health
and wellbeing in the shearing and wool harvesting industry
View draft unit

Prefer to email your feedback?
Please contact Penny McQueen, [email protected]
Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format

Duplication issues across units have been addressed in some cases by merging units and making significant changes to elements and performance criteria so that these units accurately reflect the skills and knowledge required for the specific job task. Details around volume and frequency of tasks has been added to the performance evidence of several units. Foundation skills have been added to each unit.

For a detailed list of changes made in each draft unit, please see the Summary of Changes document.

Units of competencyView draft
AHCSHG2X01 Crutch sheepView draft unit
AHCSHG2X02 Assist in preparing for shearing and crutchingView draft unit
AHCSHG2X03 Shear sheep to novice levelView draft unit
AHCSHG2X04 Shear sheep to improver levelView draft unit
AHCSHG2X05 Grind combs and cutters for machine shearingView draft unit
AHCSHG2X06 Prepare handpiece and downtube for machine shearingView draft unit
AHCSHG2X07 Undertake basic shearing and crutchingView draft unit
AHCSHG3X01 Prepare livestock for shearingView draft unit
AHCSHG3X02 Prepare combs and cutters for machine shearingView draft unit
AHCSHG3X03 Maintain and service shearing handpiecesView draft unit
AHCSHG3X04 Shear sheep to professional levelView draft unit
AHCSHG3X05 Maintain consistent shearing performanceView draft unit
AHCSHG4X01 Coordinate shearing and wool harvesting teamsView draft unit
AHCWOL2X01 Pen sheepView draft unit
AHCWOL2X02 Perform board dutiesView draft unit
AHCWOL2X03 Carry out wool pressingView draft unit
AHCWOL3X01 Appraise wool using industry descriptionsView draft unit
AHCWOL3X02 Prepare wool based on its characteristics for classingView draft unit
AHCWOL3X03 Prepare skirtings and oddmentsView draft unit
AHCWOL3X04 Supervise clip preparationView draft unit
AHCWOL3X05 Prepare facilities for shearing and crutchingView draft unit
AHCWOL3X06 Press wool for a clipView draft unit
AHCWOL4X01 Determine wool classing strategiesView draft unit
AHCWOL4X02 Use individual fleece measurements to prepare wool for saleView draft unit
AHCWOL4X03 Plan, implement and review wool harvesting and clip preparationView draft unit
AHCWOL4X04 Manage wool harvesting and preparation staffView draft unit
AHCWOL4X05 Class fleece woolView draft unit
AHCWOL4X06 Document a wool clipView draft unit
AHCWOL4X07 Establish work routinesView draft unit
AHCWOL4X08 Perform shed dutiesView draft unit

Prefer to email your feedback?
Please contact Penny McQueen, [email protected]
Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format

This unit has been identified for possible deletion, as it may no longer align with the current skill requirements of industry. We encourage you to provide your feedback through the online survey.

UnitProvide feedback
AHCSHG402 Conduct equipment experting for machine shearingProvide feedback

Prefer to email your feedback?
Please contact Penny McQueen, [email protected]

A draft copy for the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide which includes details of the proposed changes to qualifications, skill sets and units is also available for review and comment. It includes an update to the pathways chart to better reflect pathway options. Entry requirements have also been updated to reflect changes to the qualifications.

Prefer to email your feedback?
Please contact Penny McQueen, [email protected]
Download the draft document in Microsoft Word format

Feedback Collected From 20 June to 18 July

Two units that were originally proposed for deletion also went through an additional round of consultation, following feedback that they should be retained as they have current or potential value in a school setting and in specialised programs with a youth focus. 

Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format
The summary of changes document has been updated to reflect the reinstatement of these units.

Summary of consultation to date

A project Technical Committee was established in February 2024 to guide the initial development of draft units, skill sets and qualifications. Several subject matter experts and education experts have also been consulted to help inform the draft skills standards. In March 2024, a site visit to a sheep farm in Ballan took place, where the project team got to meet with industry stakeholders and experts to help inform what skills need to be incorporated in the revised drafts.

Consultation Workshops

In-person and online workshops were held in May to coincide with the draft documents being made available for broad stakeholder feedback. These sessions provided further information about the work underway and how you can have input on the updated draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency.

In-person Sessions
Dubbo, NSW: Saturday 4 May, 10am – 1pm
Wagga Wagga, NSW: Monday 6 May, 4 – 7pm
Hamilton, Vic: Monday 13 May, 12:30 – 3:30pm
Naracoorte, SA: Tuesday 14 May, 12:30 – 3:30pm
Longreach, Qld: Saturday 18 May, 10am – 1pm
Campbell Town, Tas: Tuesday 21 May, 6 – 8:30pm
Narrogin, WA: Tuesday 28 May, 4:30 – 7:30pm

Online sessions
Friday 31 May
11am – 1pm AEST

To keep up with the evolving needs of the industry, the qualifications, skill sets, and units of competency for shearers, wool handlers, and wool classers are undergoing a comprehensive review.

The project team updated the draft documents based on feedback received during the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage.

The final draft units, skill sets, qualifications and companion volume were made available for further comment as part of the ‘Consensus Gathering’ process from 23 August to 8 September.

At the consensus gathering stage, we check our work with stakeholders to confirm that solutions are in line with expectations before the documents are prepared for submission.

Feedback was sought on whether updates to the qualifications, skill sets, units and companion volume were accurate and appropriate. Feedback was also welcomed on the teach out periods for the qualifications via a survey.

  • For details of the feedback received during Broad Consultation and how this has shaped the updated drafts, download the Consultation Log
  • For details of all the changes to the drafts, download the Summary of Changes

Online ‘Consensus Gathering’ Workshops

Online workshops wereg held to discuss the most recent changes to the drafts.

Note to RTOs

Twenty other AHC qualifications will potentially be impacted by changes made in this project and the Livestock Operations Project. For more information see the Livestock Operations Project.

View the documents

Click on the accordions below to view the qualifications, skill sets and units.

Key changes to the qualifications include:

  • One qualification, AHC3XX03 Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling, initially proposed for deletion is being retained due to stakeholder support for its value in industry.
  • The newly titled AHCSHG2X08 Maintain own health to promote personal wellbeing in the wool harvesting industry was proposed as an elective unit in the qualifications AHC2XX01 Certificate II in Shearing and AHC2XX02 Certificate II in Wool Handling.

For details of all the changes to the drafts, download the Summary of Changes

AHC2XX01 Certificate II in Shearing
AHC3XX01 Certificate III in Shearing
AHC2XX02 Certificate II in Wool Handling
AHC3XX03 Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling
AHC3XX02 Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation
AHC4XX01 Certificate IV in Wool Classing

Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format

Broad changes were made to the draft units to improve accuracy, consistency and deliverability, including revisions to include up to date terminology and generic terms to future-proof units, updates to performance evidence, and the introduction of generic references to industry standards and codes of practice.

Other key changes include:

  • Two units initially proposed for deletion are being retained due to stakeholder support for their value in industry and/or their current or potential value in a school setting and in specialised programs with a youth focus:
    • AHCLSK3X62 Carry out post-shearing procedures(Note that this was previously coded as a shearing sector unit with the code and title AHCSHG306 Carry out post-shearing procedures)
    • AHCWOL1X18 Support woolshed activities.
  • The newly developed unit previously titled Apply self-management skills to maintain own health and wellbeing in the shearing and wool harvesting industry was proposed to be renamed AHCSHG2X08 Maintain own health to promote personal wellbeing in the wool harvesting industry. It was also updated to make knowledge evidence less specific and clarify wording. Significant feedback at the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage indicated this unit could be broadened beyond the shearing and wool sector. However, this presented challenges that are unable to be resolved within the scope of this project.
  • Updates to the elements and performance criteria of AHCWOL3X08 Perform shed duties resulted in the indicated AQF level to changing from level 4 to level 3.
  • AHCWOL4X06 Document a wool clip was closely reviewed to ensure accuracy for current and future documentation processes, including the specification of digital documentation
  • AHCWOL3X02 Prepare wool based on its characteristics for classing was significantly updated based on feedback, particularly in the performance evidence and deletion of element 6.
  • In AHCSHG2X02 Assist in preparing for shearing and crutching content related to penning sheep was deleted.

For details of all the changes to the drafts, download the Summary of Changes

AHCLSK3X62 Carry out post-shearing procedures
AHCSHG2X01 Crutch sheep
AHCSHG2X02 Assist in preparing for shearing and crutching
AHCSHG2X03 Shear sheep to novice level
AHCSHG2X04 Shear sheep to improver level
AHCSHG2X05 Grind combs and cutters for machine shearing
AHCSHG2X06 Prepare handpieces and downtubes for machine shearing
AHCSHG2X07 Undertake basic shearing and crutching
AHCSHG2X08 Maintain own health to promote personal wellbeing in the wool harvesting industry (new unit)
AHCSHG3X01 Prepare livestock for shearing
AHCSHG3X02 Prepare combs and cutters for machine shearing
AHCSHG3X03 Maintain and service shearing handpieces
AHCSHG3X04 Shear sheep to professional level
AHCSHG3X05 Maintain consistent shearing performance
AHCSHG4X01 Coordinate shearing and wool harvesting teams
AHCWOL1X018 Support woolshed activities
AHCWOL2X01 Pen sheep
AHCWOL2X02 Perform board duties
AHCWOL2X03 Carry out wool pressing
AHCWOL3X01 Appraise wool using industry descriptions
AHCWOL3X02 Prepare wool based on its characteristics for classing
AHCWOL3X03 Prepare skirtings and oddments
AHCWOL3X04 Supervise clip preparation
AHCWOL3X05 Prepare facilities for shearing and crutching
AHCWOL3X06 Press wool for a clip
AHCWOLX308 Perform shed duties
AHCWOL4X01 Determine wool classing strategies
AHCWOL4X02 Use individual fleece measurements to prepare wool for sale
AHCWOL4X03 Plan, implement and review wool harvesting and clip preparation
AHCWOL4X04 Manage wool harvesting staff
AHCWOL4X05 Class fleece wool
AHCWOL4X06 Document a wool clip

Download the draft documents in Microsoft Word format

The following unit was identified for deletion in the future as feedback has indicated it no longer aligns with the current skill requirements of industry. Feedback was encouraged through an online survey.

AHCSHG402 Conduct equipment experting for machine shearing

A draft section of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide which includes details of the proposed changes to qualifications, skill sets and units was also available for review and comment. It includes an update to the pathways chart to better reflect pathway options. Entry requirements were also updated to reflect changes to the qualifications.

Feedback was sought on the teach out periods for the qualifications under review as part of this project.

When training products are superseded, trainers have one year from the date the new training product is released on the National Register to ‘teach out’ or complete the training journey for students enrolled in the superseded training product. Requests for modifications to teach-out periods can be submitted, however they must demonstrate that there would be genuine disadvantage to a cohort of students if modification was not approved.

Input about teach out periods for the qualifications within this project was collected via survey.

Summary of consultation to date

Thank you to all stakeholders who provided feedback on the drafts made available during the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage from 3 May to 30 June 2024. Feedback was gathered through the online feedback hub, national face-to-face consultation workshops, webinars, phone calls, and emails. Additionally, input was sought regarding two units proposed for deletion, following feedback suggesting their retention due to their current or potential value in school settings and specialised programs with a youth focus. Feedback on these two units was collected from 20 June to 18 July 2024.

A project Technical Committee was established in February 2024 to guide the initial development of draft units, skill sets and qualifications. Several subject matter experts and education experts were also consulted to help inform the draft skills standards. In March 2024, a site visit to a sheep farm in Ballan took place, where the project team got to meet with industry stakeholders and experts to help inform what skills need to be incorporated in the revised drafts. Two additional site visits in Dubbo, NSW and Ross, Tasmania during broad consultation assisted in providing more context to updating drafts, especially in terms of work flow.

The national qualifications, skill sets, and units for shearers, wool handlers, and wool classers have been reviewed to meet the evolving needs of the industry.

The final draft units of competency, skill set and qualifications have been submitted to the Skills Ministers for endorsement. This follows an anti-discrimination assessment process and consideration and support provided by the Senior Responsible Officers and the Training Package Assurance Body.

A Consultation Log was submitted alongside the draft units of competency, skill set and qualifications, which includes evidence of industry support for the changes made. Companion Volume Implementation Guide parts 1 & 2 have also been updated to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the units of competency and qualifications. It contains key information to help trainers adapt to the new changes, mandatory workplace requirements, pathways and VET in schools, and additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.

Key outcomes

The purpose of this project was to review 6 qualifications and 34 units of competency that support the skills of Shearers, Wool Handlers and Wool Classers so that they reflect current work methods and skill needs. In response to stakeholder feedback, all 6 qualifications have been retained and the units have been thoroughly reviewed resulting in a final 32 units.

As a result of consultation, a national skill set combining shearing and wool handling skills has been developed to improve employment opportunities and provide an additional pathway into the Certificate II in Shearing or Certificate II in Wool Handling.

Broad changes have been made to the units to improve accuracy, consistency and deliverability, including revisions to include up-to-date terminology and generic terms to future-proof units, updates to performance evidence, and the introduction of generic references to industry standards and codes of practice.

Key outcomes include:

  • assisting improved deliverability of nationally recognised training through:
  • reduced number of units in the Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation to align with the job role while maintaining Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) wool classer registration standards
  • differentiation of qualifications to more closely match job roles and work context
  • reduction of duplication
  • adding elective units to 4 qualifications that were previously structured as core only
  • support of skills and knowledge to promote and maintain wellbeing in a unique work environment
  • clarifying and strengthening skills and knowledge for success in the industry such as communication, animal handling, traceability, biosecurity, integrity schemes and maintaining wellbeing
  • foundation skills added to each unit.

Impacted qualifications and skill sets

As a result of changes made to units of competency in this project and the Livestock project, some qualifications and skill sets have undergone minor updates. There have been no changes to core units; however, unit codes and titles of superseded elective units have been updated. Please visit the Livestock project page for more information.

Summary of Consultation

Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and expertise throughout this project. A project Technical Committee was established in February 2024 to guide the initial development of draft units, skill sets and qualifications. Several subject matter experts and education experts were also consulted to help inform the draft skills standards. In March 2024, a site visit to a sheep farm in Ballan took place, where the project team got to meet with industry stakeholders and experts to help inform what skills need to be incorporated in the revised drafts. Two additional site visits in Dubbo, NSW and Ross, Tasmania during broad consultation assisted in providing more context to updating drafts, especially in terms of work flow.

Stakeholder feedback was received on the drafts made available during the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage from 3 May to 30 June 2024 and during the ‘Consensus Gathering’ stage from 23 August to 8 September 2024. Feedback was gathered through the online feedback hub, national face-to-face consultation workshops, webinars, phone calls, and emails. Additionally, input was sought regarding two units proposed for deletion, following feedback suggesting their retention due to their current or potential value in school settings and specialised programs with a youth focus. Feedback on these two units was collected from 20 June to 18 July 2024.


  • 3 site visits
  • 11 meetings took place: 7 face-to-face and 4 online
  • 6 technical committee meetings including 2 full day face-to-face workshops
  • 108 of 149 engaged stakeholders provided direct feedback relating to the training products once ‘Broad Consultation’ commenced

The thoroughness of this review and the calibre of those involved has affirmed my view that Australia delivers the best training for our industry which the wool industry globally benefits from.” Don Mcdonald, Managing Director, Mcdonald & Co Woolbrokers.

“I look forward to working with students and industry alike with the updated standards for Shearing and Wool Classing.” Robert Carter, Lecturer – Wool Harvesting, South Regional TAFE, WA.

All feedback has been recorded and responded to in the Skills Insight database. Below you can view a summary of feedback from the ‘Broad Consultation’ stage and how it has been considered and addressed. A summary of feedback and responses for the ‘Consensus Gathering’ stage will be available soon.

Submitted documents

Click on the accordions below to view the documents that have been submitted to the Assurance Body.

To view the draft qualifications download the zip file.

AHC21324 Certificate II in Shearing
AHC21424 Certificate II in Wool Handling
AHC32924 Certificate III in Shearing
AHC33024 Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation
AHC33124 Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling
AHC41324 Certificate IV in Wool Classing

To view the draft skill set, download the zip file

AHCSS00192 Introduction to Wool Harvesting Industry Skill Set

To view the draft units, download the zip file.

AHCLSK373 Carry out post-shearing procedures
AHCSHG211 Crutch sheep
AHCSHG212 Assist in preparing for shearing and crutching
AHCSHG213 Shear sheep to novice level
AHCSHG214 Shear sheep to improver level
AHCSHG215 Grind combs and cutters for machine shearing
AHCSHG216 Prepare handpieces and downtubes for machine shearing
AHCSHG217 Undertake basic shearing and crutching
AHCSHG218 Maintain own health to promote personal wellbeing in the wool harvesting industry (new unit)
AHCSHG308 Prepare livestock for shearing
AHCSHG309 Prepare combs and cutters for machine shearing
AHCSHG310 Maintain and service shearing handpieces
AHCSHG311 Shear sheep to professional level
AHCSHG312 Maintain consistent shearing performance
AHCSHG404 Coordinate shearing and wool harvesting teams
AHCWOL102 Support woolshed activities
AHCWOL205 Pen sheep
AHCWOL206 Perform board duties
AHCWOL207 Carry out wool pressing
AHCWOL302 Appraise wool using industry descriptions
AHCWOL309 Prepare wool based on its characteristics for classing
AHCWOL314 Prepare skirtings and oddments
AHCWOL315 Supervise clip preparation
AHCWOL316 Prepare facilities for shearing and crutching
AHCWOL317 Press wool for a clip
AHCWOLX318 Perform shed duties
AHCWOL406 Determine wool classing strategies
AHCWOL407 Use individual fleece measurements to prepare wool for sale
AHCWOL408 Plan, implement and review wool harvesting and clip preparation
AHCWOL409 Manage wool harvesting staff
AHCWOL410 Class fleece wool
AHCWOL411 Document a wool clip

Download the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide Parts 1 & 2 which includes details of the changes to qualifications, skill sets and units. It includes an update to the pathways chart to better reflect pathway options. Entry requirements have also been updated to reflect changes to the qualifications.

Key project submission documentation:

Other supporting evidence referenced in the Submission Form:

Project background

As the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry adapts to technological advancements, shifting markets, and environmental concerns, it is important that the AHC training package can be updated holistically and on a regular basis.  

Given the many unique and interrelated skills across the industry, a strategic approach is being undertaken to identify and review units by their sector classification rather than their listing in qualifications.  

This project supports the broader Unit Sector approach, looking at qualifications and skill sets that contain recently reviewed units and replacing them with the latest version as applicable. 

Following a staged process, the Unit Sector approach allows us to: 

  • review the entire training package within a limited number of years 
  • reduce the impact on RTOs and their requirements to update training delivery materials 
  • make better use of expert’s time when volunteering their expertise 
  • make it easier to identify duplication of content and missing skills and improve the ability of units to describe job functions that are required across multiple qualifications 
  • provide further opportunities to identify units that are misaligned with their defined AQF level, improving the quality of AHC units specifically and the training package generally 

2024 Projects as part of the Unit Sector Approach 

There are two projects taking place in 2024, as part of this work. Each will be undertaken separately but run concurrently, allowing for a more targeted consultation while ensuring that the projects can simultaneously review and address any overlaps between them.  

The Livestock Operations Project will also update LSK units that are core in the Shearing and Wool qualifications. 

A project to analyse the how the AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations is being used is also underway concurrently with these projects.